drawing step by step
How to Draw Baby Cupid for Valentines Day Drawing Tutorial for Kids

We have a few other baby cupid drawing lessons on this site already, but this one is on this simple side so even younger kids can master drawing this Valentine's Day character. Parents / or other supervisors could help preschoolers and young children draw this baby cupid with easy-to-follow, step by step instructions.
How to Draw Cherries with 2 Simple Step by Step Drawing Lessons

Today, I have put together two different cherry drawing lessons...one is for drawing cartoon cherries and the other is to draw more illustrated / realistic cherries with stems and leaves coming off a branch. These tutorials are great for kids, teens, and adults, using simple shapes and easy steps to get to the end result.
Difference Between Drawing Male and Female Anime / Manga Heads & Faces

After learning the basic construction of the Manga / Anime head, there are other important factors yet to remember. There are many different types of heads and faces to be constructed. Such as the difference between the male and female head. You should know what makes an Anime / Manga female head look so feminine compared to a males' head.
How to Draw Chickens & Hens with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Do you want to learn how to draw some farm animals...why not start with how to draw chickens and hens. The following tutorial will help guide you step by step through the simple process of drawing chickens and hens. Kids, teens, and adults can all complete this drawing lesson if they take care to follow the steps.
How to Draw Oak Leaves with Step by Step Drawing Lessons

Learn how to draw oak leaves with easy step by step drawing lessons for kids. If you have a difficult shape to draw, first you must try to see how it is put together. For instance, an oak tree leaf is not an easy shape to draw. But if you look at the way it is made, it is much easier. Here is the leaf.
How to Draw Bunny Rabbits for Easter with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson

Do you want to learn how to draw a cartoon bunny rabbit that would be a great Easter Bunny? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw bunnies and rabbits by using simple shapes to build up their form. This is an easy cartooning tutorial that kids, teens, and adults will enjoy.
How to Draw Comic Cartoon Faces / Heads with the Oval Method of Drawing

There are many different methods, techniques, and strategies to drawing the comic cartoon head and face. We are going to cover the oval method of cartooning faces today. This is one of the more popular methods of drawing a cartoon face. The below example is for drawing the comic face from the front.
How to Draw Human Facial Expressions and Emotions the Easy Way

There are a huge variety of human emotions and facial expressions that you, as an aspiring artist, cartoonist, or comic artist needs to figure out how to draw. So, instead of going into the detail of a human's face when studying facial expressions, here is an easy way to just learn about the way to draw expressions with simple straight lines. By drawing with the simple straight line it will be seen that it is possible to express almost every human emotion.
How to Draw Turtles with Easy Step by Step Drawing Instructions

When you are outside playing in the woods or fields, you might happen to see tortoises or turtles. This is a great time to (while treating the turtle kindly) to observe the turtle and get your sketch pad out to draw him. Turtles have a great pattern on their shell. This drawing tutorial only gives simple, basic outline drawing instructions.
Drawing Comic Human Faces / Heads with the Boxed Grids Method

There are many different methods, techniques, and strategies to drawing the comic cartoon head and face. We are going to cover the boxed grids methods of cartooning faces today. This is probably the easiest method of drawing a cartoon face. The below example is for drawing the cartoon face in profile (from the side view).
How to Draw Anime & Manga Faces & Heads in Profile Side View

Here is a great Anime & Manga Side Profile View Face / Head Drawing Method that is very easy to draw with very impressive results. Adjust the construction guidelines to achieve different kinds of Anime faces. Observe and compare how the different spaces of guidelines affect the resulting manga face.