drawing for kids
How to Draw a Cartoon Car from Lowercase Letter e Shapes – Easy Drawing Tutorial for Kids

Today I will show you how to draw a lowercase letter 'e' car. This is a simple drawing lesson for kids of all ages, even as young as preschool or Kindergarten. I have broken down this art lesson into many easy -to- follow steps so that you will be able to follow along. This is a fun art and drawing lesson for kids who don't like working on handwriting.
Huge Guide to Drawing Cartoon Characters from Lowercase Letter k – Easy Tutorials for Kids

Today I will show you how to draw a bunch of cute cartoon characters using the lowercase letter “k” shape. Each cartoon animal or person is broken down into multiple steps to make it easier for you to draw. This guide is perfect for preschoolers, Kindergartners, younger kids, as well as older kids who are just learning how to draw.
Big Guide to Drawing Cartoon Bunny Rabbits with Basic Shapes for Kids & Preschoolers

This is a basic guide to drawing very easy-to-draw cartoon bunny rabbits with simple geometric shapes. These are great drawing lessons for beginner-level artists, such as little kids, preschoolers, Kindergarteners, and kids of all ages. These would also be great to give as assignments to children who are just familiarizing themselves with drawing letters.
A Large Guide to Drawing Cartoon Bunnies with Simple Geometric Shapes, Letters, and Numbers
So lets get started. We are going to learn how to draw bunnies with the letter ‘U’, ‘B’, ‘G’, and ‘D’. Lets start now!