draw cartoons
How to Draw Cartoon People Figures Moving in Different Movements and Actions Drawing Lesson

Today we will learn how to bring our cartoon people figures to life and put them in action. To put a figure in action we use a simple skeleton as a guide and foundation. On the bottom of the illustration pictures for this lesson you will find a number of these little skeletons in different actions and poses. Study each of these little sketches and notice how simple it is to suggest any particular action you want to by using these little figures.
How to Draw Stitch from Lilo and Stitch with Easy Steps Drawing Tutorial

Today, we will show you how to draw Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch movie and television series. Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien, who was originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy. Stitch is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, which endears him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. Have fun learning how to draw him here today.
How to Draw Shadow the Hedgehog with Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

In this drawing tutorial, you will learn how to draw Shadow the Hedgehog. I will show you how to draw Shadow the Hedgehog by showing you in multiple instructional steps that you will find below. He is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He resembles Sonic in many ways, such as how his hover skates propel him at extreme speeds to rival those of Sonic, but he distinguishes himself with greater use of Chaos Control with Chaos Emeralds, which allow him to warp time and space. He is Sonic's rival and is the antithesis of Sonic himself in all aspects of his life.
How to Draw Bloo from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

Today I will show you how to draw Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Bloo is Mac's 5-year-old imaginary friend and best friend who resembles a blue blob/ cylinder. Bloo is sometimes self-centered, egotistic and narcissistic almost to the point of psychotic delusion and has a knack for getting into trouble...and he is hilarious. Find the step by step drawing tutorial on this page.
How to Draw Toads from Super Mario Bro Games with easy Drawing Lesson

Learn how to draw Toad, from Super Mario Bros, with this easy step by step drawing tutorial ... a perfect lesson for kids who love the Mario series of games. Toad – known in Japan as Kinopio – is a fictional mushroom in the Mario series. A citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad is one of Princess Peach's most loyal servants and is constantly working on her behalf. He is usually seen as a non-player character who provides assistance to Mario and his friends in most games, but there are times when Toad takes center stage and appears as a protagonist, as seen in Super Mario Bros. 2 and Wario's Woods.
How to Draw Sonic the Hedgehog in Easy Drawing Tutorial

Do you want to learn how to draw a basic cartoon version of Sonic the Hedgehog? Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game character and the main good guy character of the Sonic video game series released by Sega, as well as in numerous spin-off comics, cartoons, as well as his own movie. Learn how to draw him with the following step by step drawing lesson which can be found below.
How to Draw Baljeet From Phineas and Ferb Drawing Lesson

I love the Disney show, Phineas and Ferb...it is hilarious. Baljeet is one of Phineas and Ferb's friends. He is the one who is very studious, well-mannered, smart, and always worried about having enough time to study. Today we will be drawing Baljeet with the following step by step drawing lesson meant for kids, teens, and even adults if they are interested in learning how to draw him.
How to Draw Frankenstein with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Frankenstein is a monster / monstrous creation by an evil scientist, made famous with a novel by Mary Shelley. Would you like to learn how to draw Frankenstein for Halloween? Below you will find an easy cartooning tutorial with multiple illustrated steps. Kids of all ages will enjoy learning how to draw this scary monster.
Drawing Wizards with Letter A in Easy Steps with Tutorial for Kids

Today I will teach you how to take an ordinary capital letter 'A' and draw a Cartoon Wizard and Wizard's Hat with 5 Pointed Stars on it. If you like drawing cartoons out of alphabet letters, then this will be a fun drawing / cartooning tutorial for you and your friends. This is a great drawing lesson for kids and preschoolers.
How to Draw Cartoon Bird with Alphabet Letter B for Kids

Today I will teach you how to take an ordinary capital letter 'B' and draw a cute cartoon bird sitting on a branch with it. If you like drawing cartoons out of alphabet letters, then this will be a fun drawing / cartooning tutorial for you and your friends. This is a great drawing lesson for kids and preschoolers.
Draw Cartoon Man by Drawing Letter E Lesson for Kids & Preschoolers

It is so much fun to draw cartoons & comic characters from the shapes of alphabet letters and numbers. But have you ever tried drawing a cartoon character out of a letter 'E'? This cartoon character man’s face was drawn from the shape of a letter– ‘E’. Kids will love to draw this and it is an especially great activity for small children, toddlers, and preschoolers – if an adult sticks around to help them draw the character.
How to Draw Exclamation Point Cartoon Man with Easy Steps Drawing Lesson for Kids

It is so much fun to draw cartoons from the shapes of alphabet letters and numbers. But have you ever tried drawing a cartoon character out of an exclamation point? We just did a drawing tutorial of a comic guy from a question mark, check it out. This cartoon character man’s face was drawn from the shape of an exclamation point – ‘!’. This comic man looks like a sneaking detective or investigator. Kids will love to draw this and it is an especially great activity for small children, toddlers, and preschoolers – if an adult sticks around to help them draw the character. Here are even more drawing tutorials to draw cartoon characters from letters, numbers, etc.
Draw Cartoon Human Figures by Skeletonizing Frameworks Cartooning Tutorial

Every building must have a framework for a good construction and the same is true of humans and animals. Maybe that is why the drawings some of us make at times border on the unbelievable - we didn’t take the time to make a skeleton in good proportion and balance. You may think you can take a shortcut and just not bother about such things, but that would be ignoring all fundamental principles of life and growth. Always build your human and animal forms upon a solid framework. You can call these underlying frameworks - skeletons - stick figures - urch-purches ... etc.
How to Draw Cartoon Character Man From Question Marks for Kids

It is so much fun to draw cartoons from the shapes of alphabet letters and numbers. But have you ever tried drawing a cartoon character out of a question mark? This cartoon character man’s face was drawn from the shape of a question mark - '?'. This comic man is smiling with a top hat on. Kids will love to draw this and it is an especially great activity for small children, toddlers, and preschoolers – if an adult sticks around to help them draw the character.