comic faces
Proportions and Shapes of Comic Human Faces / Heads – Cartooning Lesson

People come in all different shapes and sizes....and this goes for people's faces and heads as well. Today we will be covering the different proportions of a 'normal' human head / face....such as the distance between the eyes, nose, mouth, chin, ears, eye brows, hair, etc. Then we will cover the different shapes of comic / cartoon heads and how distorting the proportions and distance between facial features, you can draw humorous faces and even just different shaped faces.
How to Draw Cartoon Faces and Heads with Different Shaped Heads

Five forms that can be used as a basis for a variety of heads are the round head, heart-shaped head, long head, wide head, and the pear shaped head. By shifting the 'eye-line' up or down, the same type of face can be made to look entirely different. Find out how to draw the different shapes of head by looking at the comic cartoon faces and heads with different shaped heads tutorial below
Drawing Comic / Cartoon Style Heads & Faces From All Angles & Views

If you are interested in becoming a comic book artist or in drawing comics of any form, you will need to be able to draw characters in many different poses. The kicker is that you will need to retain the character's appearance and 'look' so that people know who is who in each scene. This is a drawing exercise for you to learn how to retain the appearance of a comic / cartoon character.