Here is a Retro Cartooning Drawing Book (How to Draw Cartoons and Comics) for You to Read

Here is a Retro book for you to take a look at and learn from. This book is called Draw Cartoons: It's Fun to Know How. This drawing tutorial book shows you the author's way of drawing cartoons and comics. It is a very old book, so of course, these are old techniques, but they are still great techniques to learn. This book goes over drawing cartoon faces, hands, feet, facial expressions, etc. I think you will have fun taking a look at it.
How to Draw Cartoon Facial Expressions : Crying, Sobbing, Weeping

This is the eleventh tutorial in a large series of tutorials on drawing facial expressions or silly faces. This particular lesson is on how to draw a cartoon boy who is extremely sad about something. He is sobbing, with tears welling up in his eyes and running down his face. We have broken this tutorial down to many steps, so hopefully, it is easy enough for you to learn how to draw.
How to Draw Cartoon Facial Expressions : Irritated, Agitated, Angry Faces

This is the tenth tutorial in a large series of tutorials on drawing facial expressions or silly faces. This particular lesson is on how to draw a cartoon boy who is pretty darn annoyed, aggravated, irritated, or even angry. We have broken this tutorial down to many steps, so hopefully, it is easy enough for you to learn how to draw.
Learn How to Draw Cartoon Men Character’s Faces from Household Objects – Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners

Today I'll show you how to draw the basic shape of cartoon heads. I found this neat retro cartooning lesson from an old book or manual. The illustrator / author of this seems to be a man named Jack Miller. I have broken down each tutorial further below the image to make it easier to learn how to draw. This great tutorial shows you how to draw household objects, such as a coffee pot, a water pitcher, a pill bottle, a light bulb, and an ice cream cone & then turn them into cartoon faces.
How to Draw Cute Easter Drawings from Thumbprints Fingerprints or Ovals (Bunny Rabbits & Baby Chicks) for Easy Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids & Preschoolers

Today I'll show you how to draw cute cartoon / kawaii animals from thumbprints, fingerprints, or ovals for Easter time. We will show you how to draw 2 cute baby bunnies and chicks for Easter or Spring-time. I will guide you with simple geometric shapes, letters, and numbers. This is a very simple drawing tutorial / craft for kids that are young (such as preschoolers or Kindergartners) but is also great for older kids as well.
How to Draw Cartoon Faces from Numbers 1 – 9 Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids

This is a fun guide for children (and other aspiring cartoonists) to learn how to draw cute cartoon faces using the numbers 1 thru 9. These are very easy to follow along with...there are many expressions / emotions on these people's faces that you can learn how to draw easily. Find the simple step by step drawing lesson below. Have fun and happy drawing!
How to Draw Cartoon Girl with Pig Tails and Bunny Ears from Division Sign

I am going to show you how to turn a normal division symbol into a cute cartoon girl. It is very simple to do and is an awesome trick to show to your friends when you are learning about division or other types of math. I will guide you through the steps with simple to follow instructions using geometric shapes, alphabet letters, and numbers.
How to Animate Walking and Running Step by Step Illustrations

If you want to draw an animation of a person running or walking, you are going to need to know how to draw each frame, one by one. Use these frame by frame illustrations of a little boy or man walking or running to guide you thru the steps of cartooning or animating a person in motion. This comes from an old animation textbook so you can see how the old masters used to animate cartoons. Have fun!
Drawing Composition and Comic Strip Compositions Guide and Tutorial

Composition in a drawing is the arranging of the objects, the lines, and the dark and light spots, so that the important parts of the drawing stand out, yet a feeling of unity throughout the drawing is apparent. In arranging the composition of your drawings, there are several rules that should be kept in mind if your finished cartoon is to be effective and interesting.