Drawing People
Check Out my New Book on Drawing Faces

Check out my newest book on drawing faces. When you are learning to draw, you don’t need a picture or two showing you what to do. You need tons of pictures to guide you gently through each of the many steps. Too many art books make enormous leaps with little explanation, forcing you out of the zone to waste time trying to figure out what the “Teacher” did. With this drawing book, each lesson will include tons of pictures and instructions to help you draw the best faces that you can and I explain all the details so you are never left staring at the picture thinking – How did she do that? Check out my newest here.
How to Draw a Baby’s Face in Basic Proportions – Drawing a Cute Baby Face Tutorial

Learn how to draw a baby's face, from the front, with basic proportions. This technique might look annoying, but it is reliable and really can be quick if you memorize how to draw babies' faces. Drawing faces and heads really aren't as hard as it appears to be. Follow this facial proportions tutorial and you will see how easy drawing baby faces can be.
How to Draw Couple’s Hands Holding a Heart for Valentine’s Day Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today I'll show you how to draw a guy and a girl holding a heart with their hands for Valentine's Day. You will learn how to draw two hands that are cupped together holding and forming a heart to represent love on Valentine's Day. We will guide you through the steps here as we try to make it as easy as possible for you.
How to Draw a Realistic Cute Little Girl’s Face/Head Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners

Today I'll show you how to draw a realistic cute little girl's head / face from the front view. We break it down for you into almost 30 steps...this is great for beginners, although don't expect to get it right the first time. It's a great black and white pencil tutorial for sketching portraits. Take the time to go through this tutorial and you'll love the results.
How to Draw a Face from the Side Profile View (Male / Man) Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners

Today I'll show you how to draw a realistic man's face from the side view. This profile view is of a handsome man's face and I guide you through the drawing process by using simple geometric shapes, alphabet letters, and numbers. The male face is structured a bit different than a female's face..and we'll show you how to lay it out and draw it in a realistic way. You can do this...drawing heads has never been so easy.
How to Draw Feet / the Human Foot with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners

Today I'll show you how to draw people's feet - from the angle of you looking down at them. We will guide you through the steps with easy to follow illustrations and instructions. You will be drawing feet in no time...just following these simple step by step drawing instructions in the following lesson.
How to Draw Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson 2017 Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Learn how to draw Belle (Emma Watson) and the Beast from the 2017 Beauty and the Beast movie to come out shortly. This isn't an easy drawing tutorial, but if you follow along with all the steps you should be able to get through it and draw a decent pencil sketch / drawing of Belle and the Beast. I have broken down the tutorial into more than 20 steps to try to make it as easy as possible for you.
Guide to Drawing Kawaii Characters : Part 1 : How to Draw Kawaii People, Expressions, Faces, Body Poses

This is a huge guide to drawing in Kawaii Style (Super Cute Kawaii People : Faces and Body Poses). We have several reference sheets below that will show you how to draw Kawaii people poses, facial expressions / emotions, kawaii faces, and color palettes for Kawaii style as well. This is a page that you should bookmark and reference often. Have fun and Happy Drawing!
How to Draw Foreshortened Fists : Foreshortening Hands

It is very difficult to draw things, people, and figures that are foreshortened. In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a man punching a fist towards you, the viewer. The extended arm and fist are in a foreshortened view, as you can see. I will guide you through the many steps it takes to draw this man.
How to Draw Groups of People and Figures in Perspective – Size of Figures and Objects in an Illustration

Figuring out what size to draw people, animals, figures, and objects within an illustration is one of the hardest aspects of drawing, in my opinion. However, using perspective techniques will allow you to properly size things in relation to each other. The following cartooning tutorial will guide you through the process.
Learn How to Draw Human Figures in Correct Proportions by Memorizing Stick Figures

The human body is a work of art in itself and it seems impossible to draw it. However, there are proportions of the body that you should memorize and always keep in the back of your mind...and once you do this, the human body isn't so hard to draw at all. It is just these facts that should pull all everything together for you. Bookmark this page and come back to it for when you need it.