Drawing Nature
How to Draw Landscapes for Kids Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial Using Patterns to Add Texture (Great Art Lesson for Children)

Today I'll share with you a landscape drawing tutorial for kids - a great first landscape art lesson for children to learn in an easy way. We will show you how to draw the basic outlines and shapes of the trees, hills and mountains and then show you how to add patterns to add a visually beautiful texture to your landscape drawing. Have fun and happy drawing! This is a Spring, Fall, or Summer Landscape.
How to Draw a Lighthouse by the Sea Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners and Kids

Today I will show you how to draw a lighthouse on a northern rocky beach (such as in Maine or Canada) with a turned over boat. This lighthouse is by the sea / ocean and there is water washing up onto the beach. I will show you how to draw this seascape with easy step by step drawing steps and instructions.
How to Draw a Boy Holding a Rose Behind His Back for Valentines Day

Today we are going to show you how to draw a cartoon boy holding a rose behind his back. He wants to surprise someone that he loves with a special gift...a beautiful rose. A red rose is a symbol of love which makes it a perfect item to draw on Valentines Day. This drawing would be perfect to make for Mom, Grandma, a girl friend, or just for someone you love.
How to Draw Realistic or Cartoon Apples with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson

Today we will show you how to draw an apple and colorize it with realistic shadows and highlights. However, if you want to draw a cartoon apple, we start off showing you that way first...then move on to more realistic painting and shading techniques. . Learn how to draw an apple with the following simple step to step tutorial.