Drawing Techniques & Methods
How to Draw Groups of People and Figures in Perspective – Size of Figures and Objects in an Illustration

Figuring out what size to draw people, animals, figures, and objects within an illustration is one of the hardest aspects of drawing, in my opinion. However, using perspective techniques will allow you to properly size things in relation to each other. The following cartooning tutorial will guide you through the process.
How to Draw the Face and Head in Perspective to Keep Correct Proportions When Slanting or Tilting Head

Drawing the face and head can be done without perspective techniques, however, it comes in handy when drawing it in relation to other objects or people. It also is very effective in helping the artist draw the human face and head when it is on a slant or tilt. This is when drawing faces becomes difficult.
How to Use the Direction of Your Pencil Strokes for Better Drawings

Find out how to use your pencil effectively when representing your 3-dimensional object on a 2-dimensional piece of paper. The direction of your pencil strokes matter, in this article you will find out which direction to draw your pencil strokes in order to create the illusion of 3-dimensional objects.
How to Draw Realistic or Cartoon Apples with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson

Today we will show you how to draw an apple and colorize it with realistic shadows and highlights. However, if you want to draw a cartoon apple, we start off showing you that way first...then move on to more realistic painting and shading techniques. . Learn how to draw an apple with the following simple step to step tutorial.
How to Shade and Add Shadows to Cartoon Characters and Objects Tutorial

We have already posted an article about shading cartoons and comics...so you can consider this part 2 of the cartoon shading tutorials. This article will discuss sketching simple objects and people in different positions in relation to a light source and how it affects the shadows and shading of that subject.
Drawing Picture Composition – How to Draw a Picture with Good Composition Lesson

Learn how to draw a picture with good composition with the following drawing lesson. The ability to create harmony, unity and balance can start with a few basic rules. The circle, the pyramid, the T, the S, the zig-zag and variations or combination of the underlying designs can help develop a sense of composition.
How to Use Shadows and Shading in Comics / Cartoons Drawing Lesson

Shadows are dark tones which result from some object being in the direct path of light, while shading in a drawing represents the tones on an object that vary from dark to light according to the way the light strikes it. Though comic pictures seldom need any elaborate use of shadows, the forms of figures and objects are brought out effectively by shadows if drawn correctly.
How to Draw Human Faces in Profile Side View with Easy Method Tutorial

In this drawing tutorial we are going to learn a technique for drawing a person's face in profile view (that is, in side view). This is an easy way to figure out where to place the facial features on the face. However, today, we won't be going into the fine details of drawing the facial features - such as, the eyes, nose, and mouth...we are just showing you where to place them.
Female Figure Drawing Methods and Techniques for Beautiful Drawings of People

Learn how to draw better female figures with the following helpful methods and techniques. The following helpful pointers will help you learn how to draw attractive, lively girls and women figures. This particular tutorial is for drawing more interesting finished drawings by adding lines of actions and variety of lines within each figure drawing.
Drawing in Pen and Ink : Techniques for Pen Drawing

The technique of the pen is vastly different from that of any other tool the artists use, and the work done with a pen is consequently very unique. By nature it is a much harsher and a less flexible instrument than either the pencil or the brush, even though pens have come a long way. A pen drawing has a distinct individuality, no matter what kind of a technique is used, fundamentally because of the manner of getting the various tones and shadows, which is different from that in the other mediums generally used.
How to Find Measurements, Proportions, and Angles to Draw with Pencil & Thumb Method

The only way that a beginning artist can develop the ability to see and then indicate correct proportions is to become acutely aware of proportions by observation and practice sketching. Unfortunately nobody can teach you this important phase of drawing. But you CAN estimate proportions and then check them with a fair degree of accuracy by employing what is called the thumb-and-pencil method of finding proportions.