Video Game Characters
How to Draw a Claptrap from the game Borderlands with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today we will show you how to draw a Claptrap from the game Borderlands. CL4P-TP General Purpose Robots, more commonly known as Claptraps, serve as the stewards of Pandora. They may be found in populated areas or guarding access points between different maps, but are more commonly found in need of repair. Learn how to draw a Claptrap with the following simple step to step tutorial.
How to Draw Daxter from the Jak and Daxter with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today we will show you how to draw Daxter, one of the main hero characters from Jak and Daxter video game series. He is actually half otter and half weasel ... hmmm weird. Some people think that he is annoying and some just think he is funny. Lets try to draw him anyways, in the following step by step drawing tutorial.
How to Draw Jak from Jak and Daxter with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today we will show you how to draw the main character of the Jak and Daxter video game series. Jak is the hero you want to be...Jak is the stellar guy who is going to make it happen, who is going to save the world. Learn how to draw Dexter with the following easy, illustrated steps cartooning tutorial.