Author: admin
How to Draw Chickens & Hens with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Do you want to learn how to draw some farm animals...why not start with how to draw chickens and hens. The following tutorial will help guide you step by step through the simple process of drawing chickens and hens. Kids, teens, and adults can all complete this drawing lesson if they take care to follow the steps.
How to Draw Tea Pots with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Do you want to learn how to roughly sketch / draw a tea pot from the side and from the front angle as seen in the picture below? This is an easy step by step drawing lesson for kids, teens, and adults alike. Everyone should be able to follow this simple sketching / drawing tutorial with a little bit of time and work. Good luck on drawing the whistling tea pots.
How to Draw Oak Leaves with Step by Step Drawing Lessons
Learn how to draw oak leaves with easy step by step drawing lessons for kids. If you have a difficult shape to draw, first you must try to see how it is put together. For instance, an oak tree leaf is not an easy shape to draw. But if you look at the way it is made, it is much easier. Here is the leaf.
Draw Cartoon Human Figures by Skeletonizing Frameworks Cartooning Tutorial
Every building must have a framework for a good construction and the same is true of humans and animals. Maybe that is why the drawings some of us make at times border on the unbelievable - we didn’t take the time to make a skeleton in good proportion and balance. You may think you can take a shortcut and just not bother about such things, but that would be ignoring all fundamental principles of life and growth. Always build your human and animal forms upon a solid framework. You can call these underlying frameworks - skeletons - stick figures - urch-purches ... etc.
How to Draw Cartoon Character Man From Question Marks for Kids
It is so much fun to draw cartoons from the shapes of alphabet letters and numbers. But have you ever tried drawing a cartoon character out of a question mark? This cartoon character man’s face was drawn from the shape of a question mark - '?'. This comic man is smiling with a top hat on. Kids will love to draw this and it is an especially great activity for small children, toddlers, and preschoolers – if an adult sticks around to help them draw the character.
Drawing Cartoon Facial Expressions and Emotions Cartooning Lesson
When a person's face shows emotions, the eyes, eye brows, and mouth all move in specific ways. This movement is called facial expressions....learn how to draw theme with the cartoon facial expressions with the chart below. Practice drawing the facial expressions by looking at this chart as well as studying yourself in the mirror while making silly faces.
Drawing Picture Composition – How to Draw a Picture with Good Composition Lesson
Learn how to draw a picture with good composition with the following drawing lesson. The ability to create harmony, unity and balance can start with a few basic rules. The circle, the pyramid, the T, the S, the zig-zag and variations or combination of the underlying designs can help develop a sense of composition.