Today, we will show you how to draw a cartoon angel boy that you can draw for Christmas, Easter, or just for fun. Angels are usually adorable, and this one is too. We will guide you in easy-to-follow steps to drawing a very cute cartoon angel with a halo and wings.
How to Draw Cartoon Angels in Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Step 1. Start of by drawing the basic shapes of the face, Create a oval for the head, a vertical guideline, 2 semicircles for the eyes, nose and mouth, and finally, 2 circles for the ears.
Step 2
Step 2. The body. Start of by creating the basic shapes of the body, draw 2 curved lines for the arms and circles for elbows and hands, next add a triangular shape for the main body and two semi triangles for the arms.
Step 3
Step 3. The wings. Create 2 shapes similar to a sword, then add 2 curved guidelines.
Step 4
Step 4. Draw small oval and rounded shapes in the shape that you did in step 3 to add the details of the wings.
Step 5
Step 5. Now just erase the guidelines and add two oval to create the halo.
Step 6
Now colorize the cartoon angel boy with colored pencils, crayons, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, markers, or whatever you want to color him in with. Have fun and show your drawing off to everyone you know.
Technorati Tags: cartoon angels, cartooning, angels, angel boy, drawing angels, draw an angel, christmas angels, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids, draw cartoons
This is awesome
I used it for a school project and it made it look amazing
Thanks for this – I’m going to help my 9 year cousin with her school (advent) poject!!
nice u r awesome drawing…thx 4 giving me tips 😀