Drawing the Human Face & How to Draw Head, Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears
You Might Also Be Interested in the Following Drawing Tutorials for Human Faces & Heads
You can better understand the head in perspective by thinking of it as having six sides and being cube-like in structure. A cube establishes the front, side, bottom and top of the head quickly. After you can draw a cube in any position in perspective, then learn the bone structure and shape of the head and you will be able to place it in whatever position you choose.
The modeling of a head in light and shade becomes easier with the major planes established. On the front of the face, keep the forehead square, the cheek bones flat, the area under the nose and around the mouth round, and the jaw triangular.
Here’s a simple way to place the features accurately when drawing a head. First draw a vertical line down the middle of the face. Then draw a horizontal line halfway between the top of the head and the bottom of the jaw, on which to align the position of the eyes. Halfway between the eyes and the chin place the base of the nose; and halfway between the base of the nose and the chin place the center line of the mouth. Remember the space between the eyes is the same as the length of another eye. The length of the ear is the same as the distance between the top of the eye and the base of the nose. The width of the mouth will correspond with the distance between the eyes when they are focused straight ahead.
While the length, breadth and thickness of features may vary on different people, it is important to have a basis from which to start.
When drawing the entire figure, first establish the size of the head in order to proportion the rest of the figure to its size.
The length of the human ear is about the same as the distance between the eye-brow and the base of the nose. Draw a line through the center of the face and then draw a right angle to the line to give you the perspective of the ear.
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I thinks it is the best way to draw a human face. You describe it very clearly. Surely, i am gonna try it soon.
made my drawing the best it could of been…..thx so much….
kwl picz they have good lookz