Today I will teach you how to draw comic cartoon owls. Owls are almost always portrayed as wise creatures, and for this reason cartoon owls can often be seen with a monocle or a graduation cap on. Our cartoon owl will have a graduation cap on and will be perched on a branch, but you can put a monocle on your owl if you want. This is an easy drawing lesson that kids, teens, and adults will be able to follow successfully.
How to Draw Owls with Simple Steps to Cartooning a Comic Owl with Graduation Cap on
Step 1
To start drawing a cartoon owl, you will want to sketch (lightly) the basic shapes that make up the form of the own. Draw a circle for the owl’s head and a square for the body. Draw a half-oval shape on either side of the square for the owl’s wings.
Step 2
Find the center of the circle and then just above the center, draw 2 circles so that sideways it looks like a number ‘8’. These are the owl’s eyes.
Step 3
Now please draw a diamond in between both of the owl’s eyes. Then at the top of the square draw a curvy letter ‘m’ and at the bottom of the square, draw a curvy letter ‘w’ like shape.
Step 4
Now draw a sideways letter ‘M’ like shape on top of both eyes, as pictured above. Also draw a few backwards number ‘3’s on the owl’s body.
Step 5
Now draw a Pacman looking shape inside of both eyes for the pupil / iris of the owl’s eyes (make the Pacman by drawing a circle and then taking a triangle slice of pizza out of the circle).
these steos helped me a lot!!!!!!!!!.
That was helpful!
thanks for helping me on my book jacket homework!