My favorite part of the Disney movie Frozen is when little princess Anna is singing the song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman”. I have to admit that I cried all thru the song. It is so sweet and endearing and really quite heartbreaking! Today I will show you how to draw a picture of little princess Anna singing this song to her sister thru the door. She is peering in the little keyhole in Princess Elsa’s door. We break down this tutorial is simple to follow illustrated steps.
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How to Draw Young Anna from Disney’s Frozen : Do You Want to Build a Snowman Song
Step 1
Lightly draw 2 ovals as seen above.
Step 2
– Lightly draw a guideline thru the center of the face to help you place facial features later.
– Draw a letter ‘C’ ear.
– Draw a curved line for one eye and a lowercase letter ‘e’-like shape for the other eye.
Step 3
– Draw another curved line on the top of the left eye.
– Fill in eye lashes on the right eye.
– Draw a curved line for the nose and a flattened letter ‘s’ like curve for the mouth.
Step 4
– Draw a curved line for the back of the head.
– Draw ovals for the pupils/irises of the eye. Also draw lashes on the left eye.
– Draw letter ‘u’ shaped nostrils.
– mimic the top of the lip for the bottom of the lip.
Step 5
– Draw a sideways number ‘2’ shape for the hairline around the ear.
– Draw a few curved lines.
– Draw a rectangle-like shape for the left brow.
– Draw the bottom lip with 2 curved lines.
Step 6
– Draw a line for the door.
– Lightly draw 2 ovals and 2 lines for the skeletal shape of the arm.
– Draw 2 curved lines for the head band and zig-zaggety lines for the bangs.
Step 7
– Lightly draw an oval and a circle for the keyhole.
– Use the oval of the shoulder to help you make the sleeve of Anna’s shirt. Draw a backwards #2-like shape for the bottom of the sleeve.
– Draw another oval behind the sleeve.
– Lightly draw 2 ovals and a diamond shape for the basic shape of the door knob.
Step 8
– Outline the oval guide for the ponytail…the bottom of the ponytail is a letter ‘v’ shape.
– Outline the guide of the arm and of the door knob.
– Lightly draw a rectangle and a diamond for other shapes on the door.
Step 9
– Draw a letter ‘U’ shape under the sleeve. Also draw some more ovals for the shape of the dress and the fingers.
– Outline the guides on the door to make the shapes that we show above.
Step 10
– Draw a curved line and a #7-like shape (together they look like a backwards lowercase letter ‘h’ shape.
– Outline the oval guides to make up a hand as seen above.
– Draw squiggly lines for the hair above the ear.
Step 11
– Darken the important lines and erase the guidelines (blue lines in this tutorial).
Finished Drawing of Young Anna Singing “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” While Looking in the Keyhole of Elsa’s Door
– I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial. The actual picture that I was looking at when drawing this picture was really small and pixelated so I apologize if it isn’t perfect. It is hard for me to see the little details in Anna. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
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Technorati Tags: anna, princess anna, do you want to build a snowman, how to draw young anna, how to draw young princess anna, anna at the door, frozen, how to draw frozen
i thought the headband was that little streak of white in her hair? or is it just the way i drew it? 🙂
hmmm…I might have drawn it as a headband but it definitely was supposed to be the streak in her hair. 🙂
Thank you so much for these wonderful tutorials. I have had a great increase in my drawing skills and I love your work. Next comes Olaf!
(P.S. My name really is Elsa, little odd and was shocked when the movie came out! XD)
Thanks so much!
I tried to draw it, but I have a really hard time sketching faces. I can never get them to look right. I’m going to try the Olaf drawing tutorial next. Hopefully that will turn out better. Thanks anyway admin!!
Omg amazing instructions also I didn’t want to use my real name if that’s okay. I am 12 yrs old and the drawing came out EXACTLY like yours thank you so much for the extremely helpful steps!!!
You are very welcome!!
*but with
I love Frozen A LOT. I’ve drawn Chibi Elsa, Chibi Anna, Anna (as a teenager), this picture, about 12 Elsa pictures, Kristoff, well, practically all the Frozen characters. (By the way, I’m an artist.) but out of ALL the websites I’ve gotten templates and help from, I think I visit this one the most. My drawings turn out EXACTLY HOW I WANT THEM TO in the end, and I’m always proud of each and every one of them. Even though I have a 3 inch filing folder full of my Frozen drawings….this website is so helpful. I love how the geometric shapes are simple but twit ha little but of detail can become something much more. I’m looking forward to more Frozen posts! How about more Anna’s? I think I would like that—I have too many Elsa’s. Lol.
Thanks for the helpful instructions and for a great go-to drawing website! Keep up the wonderful work! Have a Happy New Year and best of luck in 2015!!
(Btw, can you also add how to color them? That would be interesting. Thanks ;))
Awwww. Thank you soooo much Jackie!!!!! You are thest best!
These pictures are the best!!!!!!!!!!!
But I HATE the noses in some of the drawings.
I have drew elsa anna and the other anna I’m 8 years old and my drawing is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
I’ve done alot and alot of practice.
Whenever I’m going to draw this is the website I go on to I’m the best person at at in my class for 3times in a row and I’m only in grade 3 this is ACTUALY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow Amelia! That is incredible! Way to go!
I’m kind of confused on one part how large shoud I draw her head?
In the vid her head is a lot smaller than what you show in the picture drawings
So should I make her head bigger or smaller or medium?
much help
Hi there Margie. I’m sorry that the different in size confused you. Both tutorials are exactly the same…I just zoomed in on the picture drawing one. You can make the head as big as you want as long as your paper is big enough. I hope this answers your questions. Thanks…Rachel
Never seen this movie it sounds pretty good though from you description however very hard to draw I look forward to your next post.