1. Im only 11 and this is the best site yet. Everyday I ask my mom for her phone so I can draw more cartoon characters . Also my drawing abilities have increased over the past few days . All my friends and family are amazed by my drawings because of this site so I’m sticking with is 🙂 I love spongebob.

  2. angel

    this is the best website ever!!!!! im goood at drawing now!!!! i drew gir and piggy and now patrick they all loook soooooooooo awesome!!!! 🙂

  3. fakiha

    its the best helping website in the whole wide world its very cool and awesome and i am really loving it thanks alott for making such an awesome website its soo coooooool i am lovin it

  4. This is the best patrick tutorial i ever saw, Thankyou so much! <3 Patrick is soo cool. I hope to see more spongebob character drawing tutorials here! This is awesome! Thanks again 🙂

  5. […] Outra dica de site muito bom, ele mostra os desenhos do Bob Esponja e sua turma passo a passo e no lado da página tem um programa de desenho online para você ir vendo e desenhando, vale conferir: desenhar o Bob Esponja , desenhar o Bob Esponja Chorando , como desenhar o Larry , desenhar o Lula Molusco , desenhar o Patrick online […]

  6. HKA

    Hey! Thanks ALOT! I’m a KG teacher and the name and theme of my class is “Starfish” so this works out GREAT! Do you have any other tutorials for decorating my classroom with anything starfish? It is much appreciated, especially for me since I am horrible at drawing!

  7. Cookie

    Ive Never really been able to draw put after these turtorials it has made me 100 % better so this must have to be the best ever drawing site in the world and i want you to do more please

  8. Hi this is rachel this is the best drawing site ever dduuuuuuudeeeee thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    🙂 🙂 lol

    • admin

      Thank you for your comment. The entire drawing tutorial is there for Patrick…you need to click on to the ‘next page’ – please let me know if you continue to have problems.

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