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Do you want to learn how to draw Venusaur, one of the most popular of all Pokemon characters amongst boys and girls? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw Venusaur by using simple shapes to build up Venusaur’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that older kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw Venusaur if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
Step by Step Drawing Lesson : How to Draw Venusaur from Pokemon for Kids
Step 1
First, Sketch out a rough outline of Venusaur’s head. If you look at Venusaur closely, you will be able to see that his head is the shape of an oval. Don’t worry about mistakes because you can erase these later. Later, you will be using a pen or marker to outline the ‘right’ lines.
Step 2
Now take a look at the red triangle-like shapes on the top of the oval (Venusaur’s head). These are Venusaur’s ears. If you look at these ears carefully, you will see that they are just un-closed triangle shapes. Make sure to take note the shape and proportion of these triangles compared to eachother and to the oval-shaped face.
Step 3
Now it is time to draw Venusaur’s eyes (in red). If you look at the basic shape of each eye, you will see that each eye is a circle-like shape with a slanted line through the upper eye (slanted downwards towards the center of the face).
Step 4
Step 4 is a multi-step process. The first part is to draw the inside of Venusaur’s eyes. Just draw 2 half circles in each eye and try to keep the same proportions that I used above. The second part is to draw Venusaur’s nostrils, which are just 2 small slanted lines that are drawn in the center of the 2 eyes, just slightly lower. The third part is to draw the mouth which is just a curved line that looks like a smushed ‘M’. Draw 2 upside down triangles for teeth and you have finished step 4.
Step 5
Now to draw Venusaur’s front legs (or arms). Try to visualize the front arms as ‘U’s that are slightly slanted inwards and you might be able to draw it easier. The one difference is that the ‘U’ on the right, starts slightly below the ear and the ‘U’ on the left starts at around the left side of the mouth. Also you need to draw upside down ‘U’s on either side of the chin.
Step 6
Now lets draw the under-stomach of Venusaur. Draw a ‘ U’ that goes from the middle of the left chin’s upside down ‘U’ and take the ‘U’ to the middle of the right arm. Notice that the under-stomach’s ‘U’ doesn’t evere go lower than the bottom of the arms. Draw a line on the bottom of each arm (as seen above).
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