Today I will show you how to draw a cute version of Lucario from Pokemon. This kawaii chibi version of Lucario is super cute and not too hard to draw. I broke the tutorial down into more than 20 steps to make it as simple as possible to follow along with. Happy Drawing!
How to Draw a Cute Lucario (Kawaii / Chibi) from Pokemon with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Check Out Our New Chibi Drawing Book on Amazon
Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions
(STEP 01) Draw 2 ovals for eyes.
(STEP 02) Draw a curved line above and below each eye.
(STEP 03) Connect the shapes with curved lines.
(STEP 04) Elongate the lines out a bit. Draw a “V” shape for his nose.
(STEP 05) Draw the bottom of his face.
(STEP 06) Draw sideways “W” shapes.
(STEP 07) Draw some curved lines.
(STEP 08) Draw zig zags.
(STEP 09) Draw a wavy line above each ear.
(STEP 10) Draw a curved line for the top of his head.
(STEP 11) Draw an upside-down/sideways “?” shape and a “U” shape.
(STEP 12) Draw a line on the left. Draw a #75 shape for the body.
(STEP 13) Draw a sideways “?” shape on the left side of his head. Draw a curved line and a straight line on the body.
(STEP 14) Draw a sideways “?” shape and a “J” shape for his arms.
(STEP 15) Draw a curved line and 2 sideways “V”-like shapes.
(STEP 16) Draw 2 lines, a triangle, and a sideways “V” shape.
(STEP 17) Draw a few lines and an upside-down “V”-like shape.
(STEP 18) Draw a wavy line, a curved line, and an upside-down “?” shape.
(STEP 19) Draw a sideways “S” and “L” shape. Also, draw a curved line on the right foot.
(STEP 20) Draw a sideways “S” shape and a #5 shape.
(STEP 21) Draw zig-zags on the sides of his face. Draw a curved line at the top of his nose.
(STEP 22) Outline and Color In.
i think its cute