Categories: The Incredibles

How to Draw Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles 2 (Part 1 of Drawing The Incredibles 2 Family) Easy Step by Step


Today I’ll show you how to draw Mr.Incredible from The Incredibles 1 and 2. This is part 1 of a 5 part series on how to draw the entire Incredibles family. I found the source picture for this tutorial using the Incredibles 2 Book for Kids(on Amazon)

We will guide you through the steps with simple to follow steps using alphabet letters, numbers, and simple geometric shapes. Have fun & Happy Drawing!

Go to Part 2 of this Tutorial : How to Draw Jack-Jack


Learn How to Draw Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles 2 (Part 1 of Drawing The Incredibles 2 Family) Easy Step by Step Tutorial


Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions

(Step 1) Draw an oval for Mr.Incredible’s face.

(Steps 2 – 6) All blue lines in this tutorial are simple guide lines. All guide lines will be erased later on, so draw them very LIGHTLY. They are only there to guide you.

(Step 7) Draw a curved line and a check-mark shape. Use the guide lines to place the facial features in the correct places.

(Step 8) Draw a curved line on his forehead. Draw a letter “C” shaped ears.

(Step 9) Draw the sides of the nose (basically a #17) shape. Draw a sideways #3 shape for the bottom of his mask.

(Step 10) Draw “?”-like shapes inside the ears. Draw the sides of the mask. Draw 2 curved lines on the nose.

(Step 11) Draw sideways “D” shapes for eyes. Draw a curved line for the mouth.

(Step 12) Draw circles in the eyes. The parts above the eyes, will be erased. Draw a curved line on the side of the mouth.

(Step 13) Add details to the mouth. Draw a circle in each eye for the highlights.

(Step 14) Outline the eyes as I did. Draw a curved line for the left eye brow.

(Step 15) Draw a letter “m” shape on his forehead. Draw a partial oval around his neck.

(Step 16) Draw another oval around his neck. Draw a curved line on the left side of his face. Draw an upside down letter “U” shape on his head.

(Step 17) Draw 2 more upside down “U” shapes on top of the first one.

(Step 18) Draw sideways “J” shapes on top of his head.

(Step 19) Draw another curved line on the head to finish off the hair. Use the guide lines to help draw the shoulders. Draw a sideways “?” shape on the left side. Draw the right shoulder.

(Step 20) Draw some curved lines. Draw a “?”-like shape (in that it curves forward and then backward) on the left side of his upper body.

(Step 21) Draw a partial rectangle for his fist. Draw two “C” shapes on his chest.

(Step 22) Draw “L” shapes on the fist. Draw curved lines on the arms. Draw 2 ovals on his chest for the logo.

(Step 23) Draw more “L” shapes on the fist. Draw more curved lines. Draw a #7-like shape for the logo on his chest.

(Step 24) Draw a curved line on his fish…draw a line on the chest logo, and draw a #5 shape on the back hand.

(Step 25) Draw more curved lines. Use the guidelines to form an almost-triangle on the back arm. Draw a partial oval around the logo.

(Step 26) Draw a “?” + #3-like shape on the back hand. Draw some curved and straight lines.

(Step 27) Use guide lines to draw the outer left leg. Draw 2 sideways “?”-like shapes.

(Step 28) Use the guidelines to draw around the arm and legs.

(Step 29) Draw a curved line around the waist. Draw a curved line and “V” shape at the knees.

(Step 30) Draw some curved lines on the wrist. Draw the bottom of his underpants.

(Step 31) Draw a letter “S” and #5-like shape on the left leg. Draw lines on the right foot.

(Step 32) Draw a curved line around the waist. Draw a “U” shape on the left knee. Draw a “V” shape on the left foot.

(Step 33) Draw an “S” shape to finish it all off.

Erase un-needed lines and color him in (if you want to)

Go to Part 2 of this Tutorial : How to Draw Jack-Jack

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