Today I will show you how to draw cute Kawaii-style characters from the word “Kawaii”…this is a word cartoon drawing lesson for kids of all ages. We will show you how to draw a kawaii elephant, kawaii marshmallows, a kawaii boy with a cat-face hat on, a kawaii dinosaur, and a kawaii girl with a bunny hat on. We will guide you thru the step by step lesson by using letters, numbers, and basic shapes. Happy Drawing!
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Learn How to Draw Cute Kawaii Characters, Animals, and People from the Word “Kawaii” Simple Steps Drawing Lesson for Beginners
Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions
(Step 1) Write out the word “Kawaii”.
(Step 2) Add a circle to the top of the 2nd letter ‘a’ shape (this will be the dinosaur). Then draw a letter ‘v’ to the bottom of the 1st letter ‘a’ (this will be the elephant).
(Step 3) Draw a circle on the elephant. Draw lines on the top of the letter ‘w’ (this will be the boy).
(Step 4) Draw a line to the left of the ‘k’ – these will be the marshmallows. Draw 2 curved lines connecting the 2 letter ‘i’ shapes (this will be the girl).
(Step 5) Draw a curved line for the boy’s head. Draw ovals on the dinosaur and the girl for cute feet.
(Step 6) Draw a curved line for the bottom of the boy’s hat. Draw ovals for the boy’s and dinosaur’s eyes.
(Step 7) Draw half circles for the boy’s and girl’s heads. Draw a sideways ‘?’ shape for the elephant’s trunk.
(Step 8) Draw curved lines for the boy’s pants. Draw a curved line for the bottom of the girl’s hat. Draw a curved line for the dino’s tail.
(Step 9) Draw letter ‘U’ shapes for the girl’s hat’s ears. Draw half ovals for the girl’s and boy’s eyes.
(Step 10) Draw curved lines for the elephant’s left ear and the trunk. Draw a curved line for the bottom of the girl’s face.
(Step 11) Draw an oval and 2 curved lines on the marshmallows. Draw a letter ‘v’-like shape fore the elephant’s tail. Draw letter ‘U’ shapes for the dinosaur’s arms and for the girl’s arms as well.
(Step 12) Draw ovals for marshmallow’s and elephant’s eyes. Draw a curved line for the elephant’s left foot.
(Step 13) Draw a letter ‘x’ shape for the elephant’s butt hole (Sorry, no nicer way to say it). Draw a curved line for the right foot. Draw a curved square for the elephant’s right ear.
(Step 14) Draw some lines. Draw ovals for the dinosaur’s cheeks.
(Step 15) Draw two #3 shapes, an oval, and two letter ‘c’ shapes for mouths. Draw a curved line for the boy’s left arm.
(Step 16) Draw ovals for marshmallow’s feet. Draw a line for the boy’s sleeve. Draw letter ‘v’ shapes for his cat hat’s ears.
(Step 17) Draw letter ‘v’ shapes inside the cat hat’s ears. Draw #3 shape humps on the dinosaur’s back. Draw a line on the boy’s mouth.
(Step 18) Draw more #3 shaped humps on the dinosaur’s back. Draw lines on the boy’s mouth.
Color them in if you have a chance. I hope that you had fun!
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Technorati Tags: kawaii, kawaii characters, kawaii animals, kawaii people, how to draw kawaii, how to draw cute kawaii, how to draw kawaii characters, word toons, word toon, word cartoon
yea i draw a lot and this helps a !LOT!
Thank you for the idea …