Learn how to draw a cute / chibi Thor from Marvel Comics and the movie “Thor”. Thor is holding the enchanted hammer Mjolnir and has his helmet on as well. I have based this Thor on the Thor Wall Decal I found on Amazon, by Fathead. It was so cute, I just couldn’t stand it. I hope you like it as much as me.
I have tried to make this tutorial as easy as possible by breaking it down into almost 20 steps. Each step is illustrated with basic geometric shapes, alphabet letters, and numbers – all things that you already know how to draw…so it is as easy to draw as you can imagine. Even young kids will be able to follow along. Happy Drawing!
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Check Out Our New Chibi Drawing Book on Amazon
Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions
(Step 1) Draw a circle.
(Step 2) Draw guidelines thru it. Guide-lines are always erased at the end, so draw them lightly.
(Step 3) Draw ovals for eyes, using the guides to help you figure out where to draw them.
(Step 4) Draw a sideways letter ‘D’ shape for the mouth. Draw a letter ‘F’ shape on its side on the left side of the face.
(Step 5) Draw 3 lines that look like a block-ish sideways letter ‘C’ shape in the middle of the forehead. Draw a letter ‘L’ shape on the left side of the face.
(Step 6) Draw a curved line for the helmet. Draw a backwards #7 shape on the rights side of the helmet.
(Step 7) Draw a rectangle on the hammer (right side of face). Draw a backwards letter ‘J’ shape for the body/leg. Draw an upside down letter ‘v’ shape on the helmet.
(Step 8) Draw #7 shapes on the hammer. Draw a #3 shape on the right side of helmet for the wing.
(Step 9) Draw a triangle shape for his underwear (on the outside of his clothes – what a weirdo ). Draw a letter ‘J’ shape on the right side of his head.
(Step 10) Draw letter ‘v’-like shapes for his hair. Draw a #3 shape for the wing on helmet.
(Step 11) Draw a #5 shape and 2 lines.
(Step 12) Draw 2 ovals.
(Step 13) Draw another oval and 2 lines on his hammer. Also draw a backwards #7 shape for the left helmet wing.
(Step 14) Draw 2 more letter ‘v’ shapes and 2 more #7 shapes.
(Step 15) Draw oval buttons. Draw 2 lines on legs.
(Step 16) Draw finishing details.
(Step 17) Erase guide-lines and other lines you no longer need.
(Step 18) Color him in…You can add white circles to eyes if you like that look.
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Technorati Tags: thor, cartoon thor, chibi thor, kawaii thor, cute thor, baby thor, how to draw thor, how to draw cute thor, how to draw chibi thor, how to draw kawaii thor, marvel comics, chibi, kawaii, cute
Chibi Thor
[…] Que chibi merda. Mas é uma merda fofa que solta raios e tem um martelo que solta raios. Mas neste link você pode aprender a desenhar um Thor fofinho cute cute kawaii. […]