Huge Guide to Drawing Cartoon Characters from Lowercase Letter k – Easy Tutorials for Kids


Today I will show you how to draw a bunch of cute cartoon characters using the lowercase letter “k” shape. Each cartoon animal or person is broken down into multiple steps to make it easier for you to draw. This guide is perfect for preschoolers, Kindergartners, younger kids, as well as older kids who are just learning how to draw.

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Huge Guide to Drawing Cartoon Characters from Lowercase Letter k – Easy Tutorials for Kids

Huge Guide to Drawing Cartoon Characters from Lowercase Letter k – Easy Tutorials for KidsHuge Guide to Drawing Cartoon Characters from Lowercase Letter k – Easy Tutorials for Kids

We have four step by step drawing tutorials below…each of a different cartoon character. Happy Drawing!

Learn How to Draw a Cartoon Girl from Lowercase Letter k  : Step by Step Drawing Lesson for Kids


Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions

(Step 1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘k’ shape.

(Step 2) Draw a backwards letter ‘c’ shape on top of the ‘k’ to close it off to look more like an uppercase letter ‘R’ shape.

(Step 3) Draw a line on the bottom of the ‘k’.

(Step 4) Draw two letter ‘U’ shapes for legs.

(Step 5) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each arm.

(Step 6) Draw a line across the chest to form an ‘x’ shape.

(Step 7) Draw a sideways letter ‘s’ shape for the right-side pony tail.

(Step 8) Draw a letter ‘c’ shape below the ‘s’ to form a pony tail.

(Step 9) Draw a sideways letter ‘s’ shape for the left-side pony tail.

(Step 10) Draw a letter ‘c’ shape below the ‘s’ to form a pony tail.

(Step 11) Draw an upside down letter ‘v’ shape (wider than normal) for the bangs.

(Step 12) Draw 2 ovals for eyes.

(Step 13) Draw a circle nose.

(Step 14) Draw a letter ‘u’ shape for the mouth.

(Step 15) Draw a curved line at the top of the ‘u’ to form a smile.

(Step 16) Erase any lines that are no longer needed.

Color in the little girl any way you choose.

Learn How to Draw a Cartoon Kitty Cat from Lowercase Letter k  : Step by Step Drawing Lesson for Kids

Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions

(Step 1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘k’ shape.

(Step 2) Draw a backwards letter ‘c’ shape on top of the ‘k’ to close it off to look more like an uppercase letter ‘R’ shape.

(Step 3) Draw ovals for eyes…one bigger than the other.

(Step 4) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each arm.

(Step 5) Draw a line for the part between the legs

(Step 6) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each leg.

(Step 7) Draw a letter ‘v’ shape for bottom of nose.

(Step 8) Draw a curved line above the ‘v’ to form the shape of the nose.

(Step 9) Draw a sideways #3 shape for the mouth.

(Step 10) Draw a letter ‘v’ shape for the ears.

(Step 11) Draw another letter ‘v’ shape, bigger than the last, for the outer ear.

(Step 12) Your cat drawing is done.

Color in the little kitty cat any way that you want to.

Learn How to Draw a Cartoon Puppy Doggy from Lowercase Letter k  : Step by Step Drawing Lesson for Kids

Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions

(Step 1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘k’ shape.

(Step 2) Draw a backwards letter ‘c’ shape on top of the ‘k’ to close it off to look more like an uppercase letter ‘R’ shape.

(Step 3) Draw a line on the bottom of the ‘k’.

(Step 4) Draw two letter ‘U’ shapes for legs.

(Step 5) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each arm.

(Step 6) Draw a letter ‘v’ shape (on its side) for the tail.

(Step 7) Draw two outward lines on each side of the dog for bottom of ears.

(Step 8) Draw a sideways letter ‘U’ shape on each ear.

(Step 9) Draw an oval for his nose.

(Step 10) Draw an oval for each eye, one bigger than the other.

(Step 11) Draw a sideways #3 shape for the mouth.

(Step 12) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for the tongue.

Color in the little puppy doggy any way you choose.

Learn How to Draw a Cartoon Panda Bear from Lowercase Letter k  : Step by Step Drawing Lesson for Kids

Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions

(Step 1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘k’ shape.

(Step 2) Draw a backwards letter ‘c’ shape on top of the ‘k’ to close it off to look more like an uppercase letter ‘R’ shape.

(Step 3) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each arm.

(Step 4) Draw a line for the part between the legs.

(Step 5) Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for each leg.

(Step 6) Draw 2 ovals – one for each eye. One is bigger than the other.

(Step 7) Draw a a circle for each ear, one bigger than the other.

(Step 8) Draw a circle for each outer-ear.

(Step 9) Draw an oval for the nose.

(Step 10) Draw a sideways #3 shape for the mouth.

(Step 11) Your cartoon panda bear drawing is done.

You can color in your panda bear if you want to.

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