How to Draw Ed Sheeran Step by Step Drawing Tutorial


Learn how to draw Ed Sheeran, the red haired, Irish musician & singer. We have broken down the steps into simple to follow steps…or as simple as we could make them. Come give it a try.

Learn How to Draw Ed Sheeran in easy-to-follow Steps : Step by Step Drawing Lesson

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Written-Out Step by Step Instructions

(Step 1) Draw a Circle. Separate circle into four parts. Separate each quadrant into halves.

(Step 2) Now separate each of those halves into half again, making quarters (1/4). Draw a dashed line.

(Step 3) Now separate each of those quarters into half again, making eighths dashes(1/8). Draw a dashed line. These dashed lines will help you place facial features into the perfect place…which obviously is very important when creating a likeness of Ed.

(Step 4) With a ruler, draw a line down from the half marks on horizontal line. Now, draw a perfect circle between these two lines that you just drew with the ruler. Make sure that the top of the circle meets the half mark on the vertical line. The bottom of this line will be where the chin will be. This works for all people, unless they have an oddly large or small chin.

(Step 5) Draw a curved line for the top of the eye…using the dashed lines to help you measure how long they should be. Also draw sides of Ed’s face. Lightly draw 3 ovals for Ed’s nose guidelines.

(Step 6) Now you should use the guidelines and tick marks to help you place the facial features, as we draw them. Draw sideways letter ‘V’ shapes for the sides of the eyes. Draw a sideways letter ‘S’ shape on the nose, using the guidelines to help you. Draw the botom of the chin…using the circle to help you find the bottom of the face. Draw a letter ‘m’ or sideways #3 shape for the top of the lip…it is at the very bottom of the large circle.

(Step 7) Draw the bottom-outer eye. Draw a small circle in each eye…it should be within the green (1/2) line. Draw the outer nose, using the circles to place them. Draw a curved line along the bottom of the large circle, for the top of the bottom lip.Draw shirt.

(Step 8) Draw little lines for all of the hairs on the eye brows. Draw eye lashes on upper eye lid. Draw dashed lines for lower lashes. Draw circle outside the smaller circle, inside the eye. Draw nostrils and bottom lip.

(Step 9) Draw little lines for his beard and mustache.

(Step 10) Add messy hair with wispy lines. Start adding shading…also add a few lines to the eyes.

(Step 11) Add more wispy lines for hair. His hair goes in all directions. Add heavy shadowing to bottom of nose. Also add shading to sides of nose.

(Step 12) Add shading under eye lid (on upper eye)…also add shading under eye brows.He has very heavy shadows from his brow.

(Step 13) Erase the dark outer lines of the lips. Add more base color, shadows, and white highlights and then smudge together.

(Step 14) Add shadows to outer face, cheeks, and under his chin. Add color to shirt and add texture.

(Step 15) Add a very light shading to entire face and smudge together.

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