Today we will show you how to draw the boy and the dinosaur from Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur (Arlo and Spot). This might sound really difficult to draw, but with our step by step breakdown, you will be able to draw these two lovable characters in no time. Have fun!
How to Draw Arlo and Spot (Dinosaur and Boy) from The Good Dinosaur with Simple Steps Drawing Tutorial
Written Out Step-by-Step Instructions
(Step 1) Get a piece of paper out. Draw a letter ‘S’ shape at the top and a curved shape at the bottom of the page.
(Step 2) Draw ovals for eyes. Draw a letter ‘C’ shape for the chin. Draw a letter ‘S’-like curve for the tail.
(Step 3) Draw ovals in the eyes. Draw a letter ‘m’ shape at the top of the head. Draw the neck. Draw the bottom of the tail.
(Step 4) Draw ovals in the eyes. Draw curved lines at tops and bottoms of eyes. Draw a curve at the top of smile. Draw seed shaped nostrils. Draw #8-shaped ovals on dinosaur’s back.
(Step 5) Draw ovals for highlights in eyes. Draw ovals for the texture on dinosaur’s skin. Draw letter ‘D’ shaped arms on the boy. Lightly draw a curved line on top of head.
(Step 6) Lightly draw guidelines in center of boy’s face. Draw letter ‘C’ shaped ears. Draw ovals for his eyes. Draw a curved line for his smile. Draw some letter ‘V’ shaped hairs. Draw one letter ‘S’ shaped hair.
(Step 7) Draw more hairs. Drawe letter ‘W’, ‘V’, and ‘S’ shaped hairs. Draw ovals in his eyes. Draw curved lines for brows. Draw a curved line for bottom of smile. Lightly draw circles where his nose should be. Draw a letter ‘S’ shape on left side of body and a curve on the right side. Lightly draw rectangles for the hands’ guidelines.
(Step 8) Continue drawing the boy’s hair. Outline the nose…then erase the circles. Draw circle highlights in his eyes. Draw a letter ‘m’ shaped tongue. Connect the upper and bottom part of mouth with curved lines. Draw letter ‘E” shaped teeth. Start drawing his loin cloth.
(Step 9) Continue drawing his messy hair. Draw a letter ‘U’ shape at the bottom of the tongue. Draw teeth. Continue drawing his loin cloth. Lightly draw ovals for part of the hand guidelines. Draw a bubble letter ‘L’ shape on the right hand. Draw a curved line on the left foot.
(Step 10) Finish up the hairs. Outline the left hand guides. Finish up the right hand. Draw curved lines for toes on the left foot.
(Step 11) Erase lines that you don’t need any more and darken up remaining lines.
I hope that you enjoyed this drawing tutorials…come back soon for more!
Technorati Tags: the good dinosaur, good dinosaur, how to draw arlo, how to draw spot, arlo, spot, dinosaurs
This a great tutorial for these reasons: #1, It is easy enough to draw that even I can do. (I am bad and this turned me into a better artist.)
I would rate 5/5
#2 While not being exact to the movie, This is very accurate and simple but still left me satisfied with the end result. And #3 Love The good Dinosaur as much as I do? I drew this made some copies and one of them is going to be a great present for my friend. She will probably be surprised I ever learned to draw and draw WELL. This was a great website and I will look to it when I want to draw Arlo and hopefully spot in the near future.
Thank you so much, Connor! That was the nicest review ever!