Learn how to draw the pineapple emoji with the following simple-to-follow step by step instructions. This pineapple emoji also looks like a real pineapple, so you will be also learning how to draw that as well. Have fun!
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How to Draw a Pineapple Emoji with Simple Steps Drawing Lesson
Written-Out Step by Step Instructions
(Step 1) Draw 2 curved letter ‘L’ shapes…pointing towards each other.
(Step 2) Draw an oval at the top. Draw a curved line connecting the 2 lines together.
(Step 3) Draw letter ‘V’ shapes all around the oval.
(Step 4) Draw letter ‘S’-like curves on the body of the pineapple.
(Step 5) Draw more letter ‘V’ shapes inside the oval. And continue to stripe the pineapple.
(Step 6) Draw more leaves on the pineapple. Draw more letter ‘S’ guides on the pineapple body…now they should be criss-crossed.
(Step 7) Draw triangle-like shapes.
(Step 8) Now draw squares that are slightly different sizes, using the guides.
(Step 9) Thicken the lines and erase the guidelines.
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Technorati Tags: pineapple emoji, pineapple, pineapples, how to draw pineapple emoji, emoji
Unforally i couldn’t draw this one coz it just turnt out as a blob on the page ?