Learn how to draw Hiccup riding on Toothless’ back with the following easy-to-follow, step by step drawing tutorial. We will guide you thru each step by showing you easily with geometric shapes, letters, and numbers.
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How to Draw Hiccup and Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon and Dragons Race to the Edge
Step 1
Draw a sideways letter ‘D’ shape.
Step 2
- Draw another sideways letter ‘D’ shape under the first one.
- Draw the basic shapes that make up Hiccup’s form.
Step 3
- Draw a letter ‘U’ shape for Hiccup’s face.
- Draw guideline thru Toothless’ face.
- Draw eyes and nostrils using the guidelines to place them correctly.
Step 4
- Draw the bottom of Toothless’ eyes.
- Start drawing the mouth…it is sort of like a smushed letter ‘m’ shape.
- Draw the dragon’s ears and horns.
- Draw guides in Hiccup’s face to help you place the facial features later.
- Draw his neck line.
Step 5
- Draw Hiccup’s eyes by drawing leaf shapes.
- Outline Hiccup’s arms and draw ovals for his fingers.
- Continue adding to Toothless’ eyes.
- Draw curved line for bottom of dragon’s mouth.
- Draw guidelines by drawing inward slanted lines … this will be Toothless’ body.
Step 6
- Draw circles in Hiccup’s eyes. Draw oval nose and curved line for mouth.
- Draw letter ‘C’ shapes for shoulders and neck line.
- Draw Letter ‘C’ shapes on Hiccup’s legs.
- Draw inside of Toothless’ eyes.
Step 7
- Draw two circles in each of Hiccup’s eyes (look like #8 shapes). Continue drawing his mouth, ears, and nose.
- Draw letter ‘V’ like shape on his left foot. Continue drawing his shoulders.
- Draw letter ‘C’ and #3 shape on sides of dragon’s face. Draw circle in each of his eyes.
Step 8
- Draw some guidelines on dragon and on Hiccup.
- Start drawing the dragon’s wings.
- Draw sides of Hiccup’s shirt. Draw a sideways letter ‘E’ shape in his mouth for teeth.
- Draw ‘v’ shapes on dragon’s forehead.
Step 9a
- Draw a sideways letter ‘J’ shape for Hiccup’s shield.
- Continue to draw small details.
Step 9b
- Here is a closeup of Hiccup’s face for details.
Step 10
- Draw letter ‘V’ shapes for Hiccup’s hair.
- Continue to draw all the details..there are too many to mention.
Step 11
- Start drawing all of the straps.
- Draw over some of the guidelines with black like I did.
- Continue drawing the hair.
Step 12
- Continue drawing the straps and metal stirrups.
- Finish up the hair.
Step 13
- And the final details.
Finished Black and White Line Drawing of Toothless and Hiccup
Erase any remaining guidelines and darken / thicken up remaining lines. Lightly draw some odd oval shapes on the dragon’s face and legs.
And in Color
If you are brave, you can add in some color.
I hope that this drawing tutorial helped you with drawing Hiccup and Toothless. Come back for more drawing tutorials soon!
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Technorati Tags: Dragons Race to the Edge, How to Train Your Dragon, Toothless, Hiccup, How to Draw Hiccup, How to draw Toothless
I love it so much and it’s really easy
This really answered my problem, thank you!