Learn how to draw a beautiful woman with the following step by step portrait drawing lesson. We have broken down the structure of the face so you will be able to draw it in the correct proportions. Also, if you have problems drawing shapes of eyes, noses, and mouths, I think this tutorial will help you. We will show you how to use simple shapes that you know how to draw and turn them into more complicated shapes that make up the parts of the face. Have fun!
How to Draw Female Faces with a Beautiful Woman’s Portrait Tutorial
Step 1
How to draw a circle. Draw guidelines within.
Step 2
Draw dashes in center of lines.
Step 3
- Draw dashes in the middle again.
- Then draw a circle starting at the middle dash in the bottom of the big circle.
Step 4
- The guides and dashes are used to help you place the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears in the correct positions.
- Draw curved lines for eyes.
- Draw a letter ‘M’ shape for the nose.
- Start drawing the mouth…it sort of looks like a letter ‘W’.
Step 5
- Draw the bottom curve of the eye. The eye should now look sort of like a leaf.
- Draw #55 shape for part of the nose.
- Draw letter ‘M’ shape for the top of the mouth.
Step 6
- Draw oval in each eye.
- Draw a letter ‘j’ shape on the nose … as well as another small line.
- Draw curved line for the top of the nose.
- Draw the outside face shape.
Step 7
- Draw letter ‘j’ and ‘c’ shape for the neck.
- Draw details around her eyes.
- Draw bottom lip.
Step 8
- Draw letter ‘S’ shape f0r hairs.
- Draw eye brows.
- Draw oval inside each eye.
Step 9
- Continue drawing hair.
- Draw oval in each eye again.
Step 10
- Continue drawing hair.
Step 11
- Now just darken some lines and add shading…
Step 12
- And more shading…
Step 13
- And continue shading….
Finished Drawing (Portrait) of a Woman’s Face
– Until you have a finished drawing of a woman’s face. I hope that your woman turned out as beautiful as mine. Come back soon for more drawing lessons!
If you want it in 2 pictures instead of a dozen pictures, here they are
Technorati Tags: woman, women, womans face, womens faces, female faces, portraits, portraiture, faces
Wow, that was fantastic. Faces seem to be a very difficult thing to do, but these instructions made my woman come out beautiful. Thank you so very much..