Learn how to draw all of the major Harry Potter characters with the following simple step by step drawing tutorials. If you can draw letters, numbers, and simple shapes then you will be able to draw these characters with no problem. Have fun and learn to draw at the same time!!!
Huge Cartoon Harry Potter Characters Drawing Tutorial Guide
Learn How To Draw The Following Characters
Harry Potter
Here is the Harry Potter tutorial.
Hermione Granger
Here is the Hermione Granger Tutorial.
Ron Weasley
Here is the Ron Weasley Tutorial.
Hagrid and Buckbeak
Luna Lovegood
Here is the Luna Lovegood Tutorial.
Albus Dumbledore
Here is the Dumbledore Tutorial.
Draco Malfoy
Here is the Draco Malfoy Tutorial.
Check Out Our New Chibi Drawing Book on Amazon
Professor McGonagall
Here is the Tutorial for Professor McGonagall.
Severus Snape
Here is the tutorial for Severus Snape.
Here is the Voldemort tutorial.
Neville Longbottom
Here is the Neville Longbottom tutorial.
Ginny Weasley
Here is the tutorial for Ginney Weasley.
Technorati Tags: harry potter characters, cute harry potter characters, how to draw harry potter characters, chibi harry potter characters, cartoon harry potter characters
OMG I love these drawings!!!
PLEASE do Dobby and Hedwig by themselves!!!
: )
Love your pictures!!!
do dobby he is sooooo cute also do sirius and a death eater
These are really good please do tonks (nyphadora).
I love Harry Potter soooo much and these are perfect for me.
So can you draw more characters but especially Dobby because he is me and my mum’s favourite.
Can you pls do more animals
I absolutely love this and wish you could add more characters such as,Lucious Malfoy,Fudge,the baslik and Sirius Black
-do not forget Cedric Diggory and ablus severus potter
on the harry potter charecter section it’s spelled like ginney not ginny.
I drawed 18 Harry Potter characters tutorials are so helpful.
I love it so much so can you draw dobby
Please do Sirius black
Please draw Dobby and mad eye moody
Look up Ginny this person spelled it right!
Ginnys name is spelled Ginny if i understand you… not sure
Love this, hope you don’t mind me using the art for a school project. Never knew chibi was a thing, but it is a great style. Love all your art
Thanks! Sure, go ahead…have fun!
Can you add Dobby? He’s super cute and funny. He would look great in Chibi style. Thanks!
Dobby and the maurauders plz
Could you do the weasley twins please!
Can you do the mauraders ??
OMG OMG this is soooooooo awsome!!!!!!!
Love it??????
you are not Ginny Weasley
I have been obsessed with Harry Potter since forever and these cute little chibis are perfect
Wait how string to be me I am Hermione Granger
no your not not Emma Watson is
Although there aren’t all characters its good….
but i think if u can add some more characters it would be good…
and please if you are going to can you do it this week coz, i need the characters….
I love Harry Potter,and these are amaxng!
My drawings get better?
haha these r so cuuuuuteeeeeeee!!!!!! my bff amd i are going to paint them onto mugs. im the draco to her harry! imma slytherin shes a gryffindor
Really great, but Harry Potter has green eyes… ;D
OMG I LOVE Harry Potter and so does my friend so I did it on her b-day card! THANKYOU
cool thank you for you support
This is awesome! Hagrid will be perfect for my Harry Potter poster! Thank you again!!!
Thks a lot!!! I am a very big fan of Harry potter and these are just perfect for me!!!
Thks again.
Oh my goodness! This is beyond cool. I love Harry Potter and drawing. This is so perfect for me. This is exactly what I thought they would look like except for maybe Voldemort. Once again thank you so much for this!!!
haha – I’m glad that you like these so much! My daughter is obsessed with Harry Potter, and has been for about 7 years now….so I knew there had to be others like her out there.
Seven years, huh? That’s an entire Hogwarts education. Hehehe
Thank you SO MUCH!! I’m making a set of puppets using these guidelines.