Learn how to draw a cartoon Miranda Lambert (a Famous Female Country Music Singer) with the following easy to follow, step by step tutorial. Unlike some other site’s drawing tutorials we walk you through every single step. If you can draw letters, numbers, and simple geometric shapes, then you will be able to follow along. Have Fun!
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How to Draw Cartoon Chibi Miranda Lambert with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Step 1

Draw a square that is a bit rounded. Do this lightly as it is just a guideline!
Step 2

Draw guidelines in the square. This will help you place the facial features in the correct position.
Step 3

- Draw curved lines for eyes.
- Draw a letter ‘v’ shape for the nose.
- Now draw the chin….it doesn’t need to be perfect. Just draw it a little lower and a bit rounder.
Step 4

- Draw curved lines on the eye for eye lashes.
- Draw a letter ‘v’ for the neck line.
- Draw sideways letter ‘L’ shapes on each side of the nose.
- Draw a stretched out letter ‘m’ shape for the top of the mouth.
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Step 5

- Draw a letter ‘m’ shape on top of the head for part of Miranda’s hair.
- Draw the eye brows and the bottom part of the top lip.
- Draw two letter ‘s’-like shapes for Miranda’s left arm.
Step 6

- The hair is what always trips people up. Just remember: it doesn’t have to be exactly like my drawing. My drawing came out of my head so if you can’t do it like mine, just take it out of your head.
- Okay, so with the hair, I am going to start of with what I call “S-curves”. S-curves are lines that sort of have a a forward curve and then a backwards curve (and vice versa). Draw a bunch of these as I did.
- Draw a #2-like shape for part of Miranda’s dress.
Step 7

- Draw more S-curves in the hair.
- Draw letter ‘D’ shapes hands.
Step 8

- And yet, even more S-curves in the hair…remember not to stress…the hair is just a small part of the drawing.
- Draw an oval below the right hand. Then draw letter ‘S’ shapes to the left of it. This will be her guitar.
Step 9

- Now draw letter ‘v’ shapes in her hair.
- For her left leg : draw 2 ovals that look like a #8.
- For her right leg : draw a letter ‘R’-like shape.
- Add 2 curved lines in her mouth.
- Add some details to her guitar.
Step 10

- Now that the hair is almost done, just add random lines to finish it up.
- Draw some rectangles on the guitar. Draw a letter ‘J’ and a letter ‘S’ like shape on the face of the guitar. Then outline the guitar on the left to show depth.
- Outline the legs.
- Draw zig-zags below the legs – This will be the fringe on her boots.
Step 11

- Draw letter ‘U’ shapes for her thumbs.
- Draw letter ‘U’ shape at the top of the guitar.
- Draw a curved line at the bottom of her legs.
- Draw backwards #5-like shapes below the fringe. This will be the front of her boots.
- Draw circles on her guitar. Also draw her guitar strap.
Step 12a

- Draw 2 triangles on her guitar strap.
- Draw letter ‘T’ shapes on the top of the guitar. Also draw one letter ‘u’ shape.
- Draw 2 curved lines on the top of the base of her guitar.
- Finish up her boots.
Step 12b

- Draw 2 triangles on the symbol on her guitar strap.
Finished Drawing of Miranda Lambert (Female Country Music Singer)

- Now just color her in and you have a cool Miranda Lambert illustration to show off to your friends!
- Come back soon for more tutorials!
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Technorati Tags: miranda lambert, chibi miranda lambert, cartoon miranda lambert, illustration of miranda lambert, country music singer, rock singer
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