Today I will show you how to draw The Fish from The Cat in the Hat. The Fish is mad about the Cat In The Hat being in the house while the kids’ mother is out. Today I will guide you to drawing The Fish with this simple step by step drawing tutorial. Have Fun!
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How to Draw the Fish from The Cat in the Hat in Easy Steps Tutorial
Step 1
Draw 2 ovals.
Step 2
– Then thicken the outline of the oval.
– Draw 2 letter ‘s’-like shapes on either side of the oval.
– The above the bowl draw a sideways oval (I highlighted it in green).
Step 3
– Draw a letter ‘s’ shape in the green oval.
– Finish drawing the fish bowl.
– Draw a letter ‘w’-like shape inside the fish bowl.
Step 4
– Draw a backwards #9-like shape for the fish’s eye.
– Draw a letter ‘M’-like shape for the back fin.
– Draw the arm with 2 curved lines.
– Connect the fish together with 2 curved lines.
– Add a curved line to the top of the bowl.
– Add some lines to the inside rim of the bowl for shadows.
Step 5
– Draw some letter ‘M’ shapes to the fish.
– Draw a letter ‘U’ shape in the eye.
– Draw a curved line above the eye as well as a letter ‘y’-like shape.
– Also draw some lines to the rim for shadows.
Step 6
– Draw some curved lines on top of the fish.
– Draw a letter ‘v’-like shape on each hand.
– Start adding shadows / stripes to the fish.
Step 7
– Continue adding shadows and stripes.
– Draw curvy shadows in the fish bowl…they don’t have to be exactly alike, just draw curvy humps.
Finished Drawing of the Fish from The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss Book
– Erase guidelines that remain and then thicken or darken any lines that need some work. You now have a great picture of the Fish from The Cat in the Hat. Come back soon for more drawing lessons.
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Technorati Tags: cartoon fish, fish from the cat in the hat, fish bowl, fish in bowl, the cat in the hat, dr. seuss, the cat in the hat fish
Thank you! This is so much like the original!!! I need to draw one for a project at my son’s school and if it wasn’t for your site and detailed instructions, it would have taken me forever to do a semi lookalike one. I’m halfway there now and it only took me a few minutes. So thankful.
this does not look like the fish of cat in the hat at all it looks old and too much shade is added
sorry but i dont like it
Sorry, but it IS the exact fish from the book. You might be thinking of the PBS version of the fish. Here is a link to a picture from the book