Today I will show you how to draw Flynn Rider from Disney’s Tangled. Flynn is the outlaw that Rapunzel falls in love with throughout the movie. I will show you how to draw Flynn with easy steps using geometric shapes, letters, and numbers.
Even More Tangled Rapunzel Tutorials
How to Draw Flynn Rider from Tangled Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
– Lightly draw an oval with guidelines thru it.
Step 2
– use the guidelines to place the facial features.
– Draw a square on an angle.
– Then draw a sideways letter ‘A’ shape for the right eye and a #5 shape for the left eye.
– Draw a letter ‘s’ shape for the nose.
Step 3
– Draw a letter ‘L’ shape for the forehead.
– Draw a #7-like shape for the bridge of the nose.
– Draw a letter ‘c’ shape for the right-side of the nose.
– Finish the right eye.
Step 4
– Draw a ?-like shape under the left eye.
– Draw a curved line for the tip of the nose.
– Draw a sideways curved letter ‘L’ for the top lip.
– Finish the rectangular eye brows.
– Draw letter ‘c’ shapes for the ear.
Step 5
– Draw hairs in the brows.
– Draw an upside down ?-like shape for the chin.
– Draw a #3-like shape for the upper lip and a sideways letter ‘L’ shape for the bottom lip.
– Draw a letter ‘s’ shape in the ear.
Step 6
– Use basic shapes to start drawing his hair.
– Draw a letter ‘J’ shape for the curve of the jaw.
Step 7
– Continue drawing the hair.
– Draw letter ‘S’ like curves for the collar of his shirt.
Step 8
– Draw some hair on the left side of his eye.
– Draw some more lines for the shirt.
– Draw the back of his hair.
– Draw some hairs on his chin.
Finished Drawing of Flynn Rider
– Darken any lines that might need it and erase guidelines that are no longer needed.
I hope that this tutorial helped you learn how to draw Flynn from Disney’s Tangled. Come back for more lessons soon!
Even More Tangled Rapunzel Tutorials
Technorati Tags: Flynn Rider, Flynn from Tangled, how to draw Flynn, drawing Flynn, Disneys Tangled
I’ve no words to thank you. It was so so so helpful.
Also my drawing turned out great! I entered it in a drawing contest. (didn’t win any prize but it was still fun to try.)
Hey admin. Could you make a video on how to draw Pascal? Or maybe even Rapunzel? Thank you!!
This drawing is awesome and a really helpful tutorial! Keep posting.