1. Ella

    Can you please put up a Supergirl tutorial because I need it for my poster! Please help me! I LOVE THIS WEBSITE

  2. lexi

    this is the only website I use to help me draw better I love this website so much ! thank you for creating this website!

  3. Nuggetpower101

    You helped me with my school project with your draw an angry bird thing. Thanks. I wish I could post a picture! #Luvlivlife

    • admin

      I’m sorry – I didn’t see this comment until now – you probably already finished your poster. Sorry!

  4. Wow, this is seriously incredible! Could you do a tutorial of how to draw just a girl but in the same style as Elsa? Or a goddess. I’m doing a Greek Goddess poster in Social Studies.

  5. Sinead McMahon

    Wow I love this tutorial! Can u do ion of elsa and Anna from frozen fever poster please? If anyone can do it it this amazing group! ( ps I’m a 20 year old frozen fan)!

  6. Hanna

    this is great!
    I have tried to draw Elsa many times but I couldn’t draw her like this much beautiful.
    Thank you very much for this tutorial. ^.^

  7. this was amazing, i was already good at drawing but now i am even better. how did you learn to draw so good. please put a young elsa one on. i love frozen!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Wow I love Frozen It is like the best movie ever I love it I have that song stuck in my head but it looks so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Elena Marife F. Muni

      I didn’t get it there are many lines….Well that’s okey! i need to practice more i gues…..More support for all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Elsanna

    This was amazing!!! It’s perfect! I can’t wait to draw another! May I request some Rise of the Guardians drawings? (Especially Jack Frost)

    • admin

      Thanks! I do have one on my other site – howtodrawdat.com/how-to-draw-jack-frost-from-rise-of-the-guardians-in-easy-step-by-step-drawing-tutorial/ – I will try to get some others soon! Thanks!

  10. I would like to make another selection for the pitcher that i was drawing Elsa From Forzen and she has a sister called Anna as well
    thanks for the company

  11. Elsaisthebest

    amazing! mine turned out way better than it would have if i hadn used the instructions! v. happy with the result and the insructions were soooo easy to follow

  12. My dream is I like do the elsa it’s mean in our class teacher tall you draw and come elsa I be shock then I am draw very very easy next I like to draw the anna

  13. I love it!
    Your tutorials are fab, and I already drew an Olaf, Rupunzel, and now Elsa!
    Everyone says they are perfect, thank you!
    PS. I am a ten year old girl.

  14. Stacey

    This is an incredible web site!I hope you love your artwork because I love it to death!!!Keep making vídeos i subscribes to you on youtube i will always be your number 1 subscriber for all these drawings!:)

  15. khizra

    I love this site!!!!!

    now it is more easy for me to draw!I love to draw new new things but when it is hard to draw then i use website and like this i can have drawings more easyly!!!!!

  16. Queen Aquamarine

    This is an awesome tutorial, I LOVE IT!!!!!!! And I did really well at this drawing of Queen Elsa, keep up the good works! 🙂

  17. directioner09

    Drwaing the picture step by step doesnt really help for me.. i just drew the picture in the last step and it turned out pretty neat! 🙂

  18. Lilaclotusflower

    Love this site 🙂

    I’ve only been using it since yesterday but I love how realistic the characters are and that simplicity of the instructions. I think I’ll be using this site for all my drawing needs 🙂

  19. selveena

    Best. Site ever!!!! I drawer elsa and Anna and kristoff from this site! And I love my result. Amazing!!!! Thank you very much. Pls add more drawings! XD

  20. Brittney

    I have not tried drawing this but it looks hard!!! should I try drawing it…. hint hint i am not a good drawer!!!! I want to draw Olaf, but should i draw this picture?????

  21. Bianca

    Omg i love it! I already made rapunzel olaf and now Elsa too!! Isn’t perfect i know but i don’t even know how to draw alone! And i’m so proud of me 🙂
    Thank you for this blog i’m doing so many drawings of disney characters and they’re all good!!! There’s just one thing i would love to see, a Flynn Rider or a Rapunzel and Flynn tutorial i would looove to make it!! Thanks again this blog is amazing! <3

    • admin

      Awwww…Bianca…I’m so glad that my tutorials are helping you! I’m so glad to hear it. I will put Flynn on my list of characters to do! Thanks!!

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