Shamrocks and Four leaf clovers are the symbol of Ireland…which is why we are posting this tutorial today. Next month, in March, Saint Patrick’s Day will occur. Learn how to draw a shamrock to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with some festive pictures and art.
Even More Saint Patricks Day Drawing Lessons
How to Draw a Four Leaf Clover or Shamrocks for Saint Patricks Day
Step 1
Start off by drawing a letter ‘x’-shape like this.
Step 2
Then draw a #3-like shape at the top of the letter ‘x’ to form a heart-shape.
Step 3
Now draw a #3-like shape on the right side of the letter ‘x’ shape. You have formed another heart. Now do this 2 more times on the bottom and left side of the letter ‘x’ shape.
Step 4
You now have the top of a shamrock.
Step 5
Now start the stem shape by drawing a letter ‘L’ shape.
Step 6
Finish the stem off with a line.
(OPTIONALLY) Draw 2 letter ‘s’ like shapes in the center of the shamrock to form a fancy letter ‘x’ shape.
Finished Drawing of a 4 Leaf Clover
Color in the shamrock if you feel like. I hope that your shamrock turned out well.
Even More Saint Patricks Day Drawing Lessons
If You Want This Tutorial in One Picture
Technorati Tags: shamrock, 4 leaf clovers, four leaf clovers, 4 leaf clover, shamrocks, shamrock, st. patricks day, saint patricks day
A shamrock IS NOT a four-leafed clover. Two entirely different plants, and they are not interchangeable. The correct symbol is the shamrock, which has three – and only three – leaves.
Well you can’t be so rude about it I followed the directions and I don’t think it was wrong I thought it was beautiful.
Loved it and so beautiful
this Was one of my best drawings I have ever made
While you are correct …a shamrock is a trefoil, it is not a single plant, many such plants are called shamrock!
To make a shamrock shape just follow the instructions given but only draw three leaves and place the stalk centrally.
Remember this is not a botanical drawing and is suggested as a pleasant St Patrick’s drawing activity
As a suggestion for St. Patrick’s then it MUST be a three leaf shamrock.
yeah right that must be a lookie one lol
mine did not turn out great but it was okay for my first try this was great
Thanks so much!!!!!