Olaf is the funny snowman from Disney’s Frozen. My children and I just saw this Disney movie and it might be the best Disney movie ever made. It was amazing…one of the best parts of the movie is the part with Olaf the Snowman singing about Summer. Today we will show you how to draw Olaf the Snowman with simple to follow steps.
Here are Our Other Disney Frozen Tutorials
How to Draw Olaf the Snowman from Frozen with Easy Steps Tutorial
Step 1
– Draw a Letter ‘U’ shape.
– Then draw an oval shape on top of it.
Step 2
– Draw an upside down letter ‘U’-like shape on top of the oval.
– Draw a letter ‘U’ like shape under the oval.
– Draw a sideways capital letter ‘D’ shape (like a half circle).
Step 3
– Draw 2 ovals for eyes.
– Draw a rectangle at the top of the mouth for the tooth.
– Draw a half circle at the bottom of the snowman.
– Draw a curved line at the chin area.
Step 4
– Draw check mark shaped eye brows.
– Draw a circle in each eye.
– Draw 2 ovals (we will use these to trace out the nose in the next step).
– Lightly draw a line and a triangle for each arm / hand.
Step 5
– Trace the nose circles (from the last step) so that you have the nose shape that you see above.
– For the feet, draw an oval and a half-circle (or a letter ‘D’ shape).
– Lightly draw lines for fingers.
Step 6
– Draw twigs on the top of Olaf’s head … two of them look like letter ‘Y’ shapes. One of the twigs is just a curved line.
– Outline the hand and arm shapes that we drew.
Step 7
Draw ovals for stones.
Step 8
Darken the important lines.
Step 9
Erase guidelines (the guidelines in this tutorial were blue).
Step 10
Draw curved lines in the nose.
Step 11
– Add curved lines at the end of the mouth.
Finished Olaf the Snowman
Darken the lines and erase any lines that you don’t need any more. You can then color him in as seen in the image at the top of this page. I hope your Olaf the Snowman turned out great!
Here are Our Other Disney Frozen Tutorials
Technorati Tags: olaf, how to draw olaf, drawing olaf, olaf the snowman, olaf from frozen, snowman from frozen, snowman, how to draw a snowman
Even though i draw really good it turned out horrible, mine looked creepy! not good i give it 1 star
awesome it really helped now i know how to draw olaf
love it lol awesome
Thanks for the steps on anna mine looks Allot like her and thanks for Olaf aswell he is so cute on my wall I just need to do ELSA now that’s all I hav time for haha lol
I love your picture
love olaf
Mine turned out great!! Your steps were perfect thank you so much
thank for helping me to draw olaf
Thanks so much for you help mine looks nothing like that because I am a bad drawer that’s all but you are great at drawing would you be able to draw Sven, Elsa, Anna and the hole lot of frozen my cousins like frozen I have one boy and a girl. Also my brother likes it he is 3 he wants to watch it every day but dad always goes no no no no no all day long so please can you draw the others thanks.
Oh I forgot to tell you my name is Madysyn people call Mady and thank agin I really hope you can draw the people I requested for <3.
Thanks for your kind comments. There are more Frozen tutorials here. Enjoy!
mine kinda looked like olaf when I was done ‘not really’
Really Helpful, Easy, Nice And Good For Drawing.
Thanks So Much.
thanks I love me!!!!
cool really helped me draw!!!
Amazing Thanks
Thank you soooo much. Your directions were so easy and awesome!!!
Cool! This is amazing great Job guys.. Im 13
i love it
WOW my olaf is so cute! thanks for the steps on anna and elsa as well
This is really cute could you put up how to draw sven in an anime version I have been looking all over but couldn’t find it.
Wow, I used it an it helps. Mine looks a lot like Olaf!!
Steps are ok
Mine looked kind of like Olaf but great steps! I <3 it!!!!!!
Looks a lot like Olaf thanks for helping me
mine did not look like an olaf but if i would have tryed harder than i would have got it… <3
Thanks that looks a lot like Olaf
Thanks your good