Here is a simple cartoon elephant that you can learn how to draw. This elephant is made quite easily when you know the basic shapes to draw it. We will guide you thru cartooning this elephant with a illustrated steps…find out how to draw it below.
How to Draw Easy Cartoon Elephants with Simple Steps
Step 1
Draw a circle and an oval.
Step 2
– Draw a few rectangles, as seen above.
– Draw a #3 shape on top of the head.
– Draw 2 letter ‘C’ shapes with a dot within each one…for the eyes.
Step 3
– Draw a #3 shapes within each of the ear rectangles.
– Draw a letter ‘S’ shape on the left side of the left ear.
– Draw #9 shape at the bottom of the circle head.
– Draw an inward curved line within each leg rectangle.
Step 4
– Draw letter ‘D’ shaped nails.
– Draw sideways ?-like shape at the bottom of both ears.
– Draw a letter ‘S’ shape for the left side of the elephant.
– Draw 2 ovals to form the basic shape of the trunk.
– Draw 2 letter ‘S’ shapes at the end of the trunk.
Step 5
– Draw a #3-like shape on the right side of the elephant’s face.
– Draw a curved line at the bottom of the back-left leg.
– Draw a letter ‘S’ shape for the back-right leg.
– Draw 2 letter ‘S’ shapes at the end of the trunk.
Step 6
– Draw letter ‘D’ shapes at the bottom of the back legs … for the nails.
– Draw a #3 shape at the end of the trunk.
– Draw circular curves in the elephant’s knees.
– Draw 2 letter ‘J’ shapes for the mouth.
– Draw another #3-like shape at the right-side of the elephant’s face.
Step 7
Draw a bunch of curved lines all over the elephant (for the texture).
Step 8
Erase the guidelines (they were blue in our tutorial).
Finished Drawing of an Elephant
– Darken all of the lines and erase any lines that you don’t need any more. I hope your elephant came out great!
Technorati Tags: elephants, elephant, cartoon elephants, cartoon elephant, drawing elephants, how to draw an elephant
i used this for my school project:)