George Washington was the very first president of The United States of America. His birthday is coming up in February (as well as Presidents Day) so we thought we would post a tutorial for drawing his cartoon version. We will show you how to draw George Washington with simple geometric shapes, letters, and numbers. Have fun.
How to Draw Cartoon George Washington with Simple Step by Step Lesson
Step 1
Lightly draw an oval-ish shape…draw guidelines within.
Step 2
– Draw an upside down ?-like shape for the nose.
– Draw ovals for eyes.
– Draw a #3-like shape for the hair on the right side of his head.
Step 3
– Draw an upside down letter ‘J’-like shape on the left side of the head.
– Draw several curved lines.
Step 4
– Draw a sideways letter ‘J’ shape on the side of the nose.
– Draw ?-like shapes at the top of the head.
– Draw a #9-like shape as well as a #5-like shape below the head.
Step 5
– Draw some lines and a few sideways letter ‘J’-lie shapes on the chest and collar.
– Outline the hair with a thicker stroke.
Step 6
– Draw a letter ‘z’ like shape…as well as a few other lines…on the right shoulder.
Step 7
– Erase guidelines.
Finished Cartoon George Washington
Now your George Washington is finished. He is a cartoon version so if you don’t get it perfect, don’t worry about it.
Technorati Tags: george washington, cartoon george washington, how to draw george washington, how to draw cartoon george washington, presidents, presidents day
no kewl it is kewl, not cool
kewl not cool
yeaaaaa boiiiiiiiiiiiii………. it was awesome.!!!!!
yeaaaaa boiiiiiiiiiiiii………. it was awesome.!!!!!
noooooooooooooo oh sorry it kewl
cool not kewl but it is cool
great ting. kewl.
its cool not kewl
cool, very useful
love it…………………
Noice I like it alot