Big Guide to Drawing Cartoon Giraffes with Basic Shapes for Kids
Big Guide to Drawing Cartoon Giraffes with Basic Shapes for Kids
This guide will show you how to draw many different giraffes …all with simple geometrical shapes, letters, and numbers. If you can draw numbers and letters than you can also draw these cartoon-styled giraffes. There are five giraffe drawing tutorials below and you can take bits and pieces from each of these tutorials to creatively design your own giraffe cartoon characters.
First – Lets Think About What Characteristics Real Giraffes All Have
When drawing a cartoon characterization of an animal, you first have to think about what sort of ‘features’ or ‘characteristics’ that type of animal has. So lets first look at a giraffe… most giraffes will have the following features:
(1) Long Neck (this is the most important feature of a giraffe, no other animal has such a long neck)
(2) Spots (also an important feature of giraffes)
(3) Horns
(4) Tail
(5) Hooves
(6) Leaf Shaped Ears
(7) Hair on the back of their long neck (like a mane)
As we draw our giraffe characters, we can play with some of these characteristics to make silly looking cartoon creatures. But, as we do this, we have to make sure that the drawing always looks like a giraffe. Think of cartoons as caricatures of people and animals. Get as silly and playful as you want to. As long as you make sure to add some of the important features of a giraffe (that we listed above), people will be able to identify your cartoon character as a giraffe. If they can’t tell, that means that you didn’t exaggerate this feature enough. The Most Important thing to remember is : DRAWING SHOULD ALWAYS BE FUN!!!
Several Simple Shaped Comic Giraffes Lessons
This is one of our large guides, so within this lesson you will find five different cartoon giraffe drawing tutorials. All of these tutorials are simple enough to draw these giraffes in under 10 steps. Find these step by step drawing tutorials below:
Here is a simple giraffe tutorial to start with…this cartoon giraffe is based on a lowercase letter ‘b’. Find out how to draw him with the picture above and the following written directions:
(1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘b’ shape. Then draw a sideways capital letter ‘A’ shape on the top of the ‘b’ shape.
(2) Draw the other side of his neck. Draw a sideways ‘J’ shape for his smile. Draw a sideways #9 shape for his ears.
(3) Draw ovals for his spots…as well as a smaller oval to the right of the body. Draw a letter ‘V’ shape above his ears.
(4) Draw a line on either side of the ‘V’ shape you drew in the last step. Draw capital letter ‘E’ shaped feet and a letter ‘v’ shape next to the small oval you drew in the last step.
(5) Draw a letter ‘V’ shape connecting the oval to the body. Draw circles on top of the ‘V’ lines for the last detail of the horns.
(6) Finish off the shape of the giraffe…erase any guidelines that you don’t need any more.
This giraffe is based on the lowercase letter ‘h’ and isn’t very difficult to draw. As long as you can draw a letter ‘h’, you should be able to draw this little guy.
(1) Draw a bubble lowercase letter ‘h’ shape.
(2) Draw a sideways #8 shape at the top of the letter ‘h’ shape.
(3) Draw leaf shaped ears on the giraffe. Draw a ‘J’ shaped smile.
(4) Draw a letter ‘v’ shaped tail and horns. Draw a curved line for the eye.
(5) Draw an oval and a letter ‘v’ shape at the end of the tail. Also draw ovals for the spots…and for the top of the horns.
(6) Add M-shaped zig-zags for the hair on the giraffe’s neck. Draw a curved line in the center of each of the ears and at the bottom of the legs.
Here is an adorable cartoon giraffe that looks a bit like a stuffed animal that you can cuddle with. If you want to learn how to draw this cutie pie, find out with the pictures above and the instructions below.
(1) Draw a #9 shape with an oval at the bottom of it.
(2) Draw a few ovals.
(3) Draw a letter ‘J’ shaped mouth and a capital letter ‘E’ shaped back legs. Draw 2 inward curved lines for the oval on the right-front-side.
(4) Draw 2 more inward curved lines connecting the oval on the left-front side to the giraffe’s body. Draw a letter ‘v’ shaped tail and leaf-shaped ears. Draw a curved line in the giraffe’s snout area.
(5) Draw letter ‘v’ shapes in each ear. Draw ovals in the giraffe’s body for spots. Draw curved lines on the legs. Lightly draw a triangle shape at the end of the tail. Draw 4 lines, connecting the ovals to the head (for horns).
(6) Draw hairs going down the giraffe’s neck and hairs at the end of the tail (using the triangle as a guide). Erase any guidelines that aren’t needed any more.
I love this giraffe…its face is made with a capital letter B and ts body with a triangle shape. It isn’t hard to draw and you can definitely show off your drawing skills with this one.
(1) Draw a sideways capital letter ‘B’ shape and a triangle below and to the right of it…making sure to leave enough room for a very long neck.
(2) Draw a sideways #8 shape for the eyes…a letter ‘J’ shaped smile…and a number ’11’ shaped neck.
(3) Draw a sideways #3 for its nose…capital letter ‘D’ shaped ears…and 2 sideways #8 shapes below the body.
(4) Draw letter ‘C’ shapes inside the eyes… a letter ‘V’ shape at the top of the head…and 3 lines on top of each #8 shape (the ones below the body).
(5) Thicken the ‘C’ shapes in the eyes to look like the ones above. Draw 2 circles on top of the ‘V’ shaped horns. Draw ovals for spots. Draw a letter ‘S’ like shape for the tail. Also draw curved lines at the bottom of the legs.
(6) Draw a second letter ‘S’ shape for the tail…draw a few lines at the end of the tail for hairs. Finish up the giraffe by erasing any guidelines that you don’t need any more.
For our last cartoon giraffe, we are showing you a stylized cartoon giraffe made from a lowercase letter ‘d’ shape. The face is made up from a number ‘8’ shape…all shapes that I know you can draw…find out how to draw it now.
(1) Draw a lowercase letter ‘d’. At the top of it, draw a sideways #8 shape.
(2) Draw sideways capital letter ‘E’ shapes for legs. Connect the sides of the #8 shape with inward curved lines.
(3) Draw leaf shaped ears and an ‘S’ shaped tail.
(4) Draw another letter ‘S’ shape to finish off the tail. Draw a line to finish off the neck. Draw letter ‘V’ shapes on the top of the tail. Draw curved lines for the mouth and eyes and ovals for nostrils.
(5) Draw ovals for spots. Draw check mark shapes inside each ear. Draw curved lines at the top of the feet. Draw lines at the end of the tail for hairs. Draw circles at the top of the horns.
(6) Finish the giraffe off by erasing the guidelines.
Now it is time to mix and match what you have learned and make up your own cartoon giraffe character creations. Post your giraffe drawings – we would love to see them. Make them funny by adding funny captions. Have fun!!!
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Technorati Tags: giraffes, giraffe, cartoon giraffes, cartoon giraffe characters, how to draw giraffes, giraffe tutorials, drawing with letters, drawing with numbers
wow – what a great art lesson for the my kids – great way to spend a rainy day inside- I can’t draw stick people but I can follow these lessons!
Thanks Marian!