This guide will show you how to draw many different cartoon mice…all with simple shapes, letters, and numbers. If you can draw numbers and letters than you can also draw these cartoon mice.
Big Guide to Drawing Cartoon Mice with Basic Shapes for Kids
Mouse 1
Step 1
First you need to draw a sideways question mark (?) shape for the tail.
Step 2
Next you need to draw a sideways capital letter ‘D’ shape.
Step 3
Draw letter ‘U’ shapes for the ears and start the legs by drawing 4 curved lines.
Step 4
Draw letter ‘E’ shapes for the feet.
Step 5
Complete his feet and tail.
Step 6
Draw two circles. One for the nose and the other for the highlight of his eye.
Finished Drawing
Complete the drawing by erasing any extra lines.
Mouse 2
Step 1
First you will need to draw a sideways number ‘6’ shape.
Step 2
Then draw a letter ‘C’ shape for the head and a circle for the eye.
Step 3
Draw a letter ‘A’ like shape for one of his ear.
Step 4
Finish the tail and draw the feet.
Step 5
Add the final details (back leg, eye highlight and nose).
Finished Drawing
Complete the drawing by erasing any extra lines.
Mouse 3
Step 1
Start off the mouse by drawing a letter ‘C’ shape.
Step 2
Draw a sideways letter ‘C’ shape.
Step 3
Draw two letter ‘E’ shapes for the feet and a sideways number ‘3’ shape for the head and ears.
Step 4
Complete his feet using number ‘2’ shapes and draw another curved line for the tail. Add the details to the tail.
Step 5
Add the final details….the ear, mouth, eye highlight and nose.
Finished Drawing
Complete the drawing by erasing any extra lines.
Mouse 4
Step 1
Start off by drawing a sideways letter ‘J’ shape.
Step 2
Then turn the letter ‘J’ shape into a letter ‘S’ shape. The top looks like a capital ‘D’ shape.
Step 3
Draw letter ‘U’ shapes for the ears and a circle for the eye. Start drawing his feet by drawing two curved lines.
Step 4
Continue the feet by drawing a backwards letter ‘C’ and number ‘2’ shapes. Draw a second curved line for the tail.
Step 5
Draw a circle for the eye highlight and complete the feet by drawing letter ‘E’ shapes.
Finished Drawing
Complete the drawing by erasing any extra lines. I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Cartoon Mice and that you had a lot of fun
Technorati Tags: How to draw a mouse, How to Draw a cartoon mouse, Drawing Cartoon Mouse, Mice, Cartoon Mouse, cartoon mice, drawing mice, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorial, drawing for kids, cartooning
Great for presents
Awesome mice