Today we will show you how to draw Riolu from Pokémon. Learn how to draw Riolu with the following simple step to step tutorial.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw Riolu from Pokémon with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
We’ll use a basic head shape. Draw two lines across as a guide for the eyes.
Step 2
Draw a pill shape for the body.
Step 3
For the arms, draw two circles first. Then attach them to the body but make sure the arms narrow as they reach the shoulders.
Step 4
Draw two circles near his torso. Next, add two legs that get thicker as they reach the feet.
Step 5
Draw his face now. Use a curved triangle for his snout and ears. Draw his eyes and a small slit for the mouth.
Step 6
His ears are tear shaped, add those first. Next, draw a large mask over his eyes.
Step 7
For the paws, start by drawing two ovals on each one. Draw the paws next.
Step 8
Add a zigzag line across his body. Draw a flat outline of his tail, sort of a wavy cloth shape.
Step 9
Next, draw his feet.
Finished Drawings
Finally, Darken his feet, parts of his chest and his mask plus the ears. Use a lighter shade of black so the image won’t be too dark colored. I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Riolu from Pokémon and that you had a lot of fun
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: How to draw Riolu from Pokémon, How to draw Riolu, Riolu from Pokémon, Riolu, Pokémon, Pokémon Characters, How to draw Emanation Pokémon, Emanation Pokémon
You contradicted yourself. In 5/6 you stated the ears twice. What is going on?
Pretty awesome.
My is so cute so coooooool?? it look likes ? mixed with a ?
I can draw its evolved form, Lucario, pretty well. But Riolu, not so much— until this page! Thank you!
I love it so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
this is cool
My brother tried it. It turned out perfect!
It’s very good, but you neglected to mention certain things, like the ring around the neck and the shape of the body and paws. I had to look at the final image in order to do it right :S
How to draw pokemon | knowitallnowblog
[…] Charizard, but easy doesn’t mean that it is less valuable. Follow the instructions posted here and happy […]
I totally failed making the picture all of the lines where still there if I could send a pic of it u would see wat I mean IT LOOKS LIKE A KARATE FOX THAT IS BLUE
Oh, I’m sorry that it didn’t work out for you!
I love riolu he/she has been my favourite forever and a could never draw it thank you so much!! This is the best website so far
cool! I need to learn to draw Riolu, but this really helped! ^^ Thanks!
THIS RIOLU ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! I have seen many websites on: “How to draw Riolu,” but this one was BY FAR, THE BEST, one! Lol!!!!!