Today we will show you how to draw Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail. Learn how to draw Erza Scarlet with the following simple step to step tutorial.
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How to Draw Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
We begin by drawing the outline. Draw a basic head shape.
Step 2
For the body, use a half oval and an inverted house shape for the torso.
Step 3
For the legs, use long slender lines, of equal lengths for the leg and calf.
Step 4
Draw the outline for the arms next.
Step 5
Let’s begin the details. Draw her face first.
Step 6
Add her long flowing hair, all the way down to her back.
Step 7
Draw her clothing. For her regular armor, use large ovals for her shoulder plates, and add wing designs for her elbows.
Step 8
For the chest, draw the cross on her left breast, and the hem the shirt.
Step 9
Draw her skirt next. Add a few belts attached to the skirt and a large belt on in the middle.
Step 10
Next, draw her boots.
Step 11
For the sword, start with a straight line that extends from her arm, and draw the details.
Finished Drawing
Clean up the image by erasing any stray lines and trace over the border to make Erza stand out. I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail and that you had a lot of fun
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Technorati Tags: How to draw Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail, How to draw Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail Characters, Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail, Erza Scarlet, Manga Characters, anime Characters, manga, anime
how did you do it
Mine did not work how did you do it
You are seriously a miracle worker because I can’t even draw a tree but my Erza actually looks really good ?
It helped me a lot for my drawing homework?
OMG thanks SOOOOOO much you are AMAZING ^-^
Awesome! Thnx!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D Thanks for helping me with my art homework!
Really great tutorial it helped a lot thank you so much !
LOve it!