Today we will show you how to draw an Airplane. Learn how to draw an Airplane with the following simple step to step tutorial.
How to Draw an Airplane with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw a rod shape or a cylinder for the plane’s body.
Step 2
Next draw a blunt cone shape for the plane’s nose, and a longer cone for the rear.
Step 3
Now, draw the wings. Make sure the wings are of the same size and shape.
Step 4
Next, draw several cylinders underneath the wings for the turbines.
Step 5
Draw the tail fin next, slanted triangles with their top cut off.
Step 6
Add rectangles to the edges of the tail fins as flaps.
Step 7
Do the same for the wings, but keep the contoured to the shape of the wing.
Step 8
Add a few details to the turbines.
Step 9
Next draw the windows.
Finished Drawing
Do a little bit of shading under the wings, near the nose and the windows. I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw an Airplane and that you had a lot of fun
Technorati Tags: How to draw an Airplane, How to draw Airplanes, Drawing Airplanes, Airplanes, Airplane, How to draw a Plane, How to draw Planes, Plane, Planes
Lol I like this drawing
nice page and good people and drawings
Add captain underpants
This website is great
I like trains??
Add captain underpants
I love drawing yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I love airplanes yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
And marshmallow ?…the dj plz
This is great but can you add how to draw roblox characters I reaaaaaaaly like roblox ?
It helped me soooooooooooo much better then anyting
Wow very helpful, i recomend adding how to draw buildings for this. no reason why…911
thanks alot i never new how to draw an airplane could you make cooler air planes
Really good i draw it
this is really good it helped me a lot for my project
i have just one request becuase i really like cars so could u maybe add some drawings of cars /0
. {)>
thanks i drew this really well but our family has a lamborghini aventador and is rich so can you add a lambotghini onto your website?
its awesome//just try to make it a little more easy
Because I’m only eight years old
Cool, but a little hard for me
Funny Ian Schwinkler……… hehehe
This is Great Thanks alot!
This was great
its soooooooooooo nice
make some new other
of flights only
Nice one it was very use full to my Drawing stuff in my school
Thank You
kidding i love it please change a little bit(:
comment love it
that is really cool
This tutorial is very helpful . I am 13 years old and it was very easy to draw…. Keep going like this !
Thanks!! Awesome!!
My son jediael drew this and he got an excellent score!! It’s a big help!. I love this site!
I’m 10 an I love it

I’m a kid and I drew it pretty well so it’s fine for kids
This Plane Was Hard To Draw But I Tried My Best Good Thing You Guys Made This Website
drawingnow is another website to use.It is very,very,very,very,very helpful.I had to draw an airplane for a project and I went to drawing now which is a website that has a video tutorial.BEST website ever.This website isn’t bad it’s just hard for a youger audience.
This is good drawing i am happy very very very very very good
thank you im right now in my school that was really helpful.
HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS IS NOT GOOD!. this website is spectacular im a parent and my child needs help with drawing airplanes so i gave him this website and he fell in love with it! i cant get him off it ! it allows him to be creative and let himself be imaginative!
a great website!
Aaaaaaaahhhhh – Thank you so much…that was the nicest compliment ever!
This is a great one i drew it perfectly can you also maybe show or demonstrait how to draw a Toyota Prius because i currently own a red one and would like to hang it inside my car so i can say “I drew my big red prius.”
This is nOt good for kids please change a little thanks.