Today we will show you how to draw a simple cartoon Zebra. If you can draw basic shapes, letters, and numbers, then this drawing tutorial will be easy for you. This is a great step-by-step lesson for younger kids as well.
Here are Even More Cartoon Animal Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw a Cartoon Zebra with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
First, draw an oval with guidelines through the center to help place the facial features.
Step 2
Lightly draw two ovals for the eyes. draw a square with rounded corners.
Step 3
Lightly draw a circle on the bottom of each eye and draw a curved upward line for the smile.
Step 4
Draw the ear shape by drawing a circle and a triangle looking like a ice cream cone. Draw an oval for each nostril.
Step 5
Draw the same shape for the inner ear and then draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
Step 6
For the legs, start by drawing four rectangles with rounded corners. The back leg on the left is mostly hidden.
Step 7
Then draw two curved lines.
Step 8
Draw stripes that turn inwards. Draw the hoof liens and a letter ‘S’ shape to draw the tail.
Step 9
Now add some stripes.
Finished Drawing
I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw a Cartoon Zebra and that you had a lot of fun
Here are Even More Cartoon Animal Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: How to draw a Cartoon Zebra, How to draw a Zebra, Zebra, Zebras, Drawing Cartoons, Cartoon Zebra, Drawing Cartoon Animals, Cartoon Animals, Drawing Animals, Cartoon, Cartoon Mammals
what the hell
how is that so easy
Looks easy…!!!!
Oh my God thanx!!! I’m putting THIS on my blog, definitely!!!! I needed to draw a zebra for a class project, this is perfect!
Easy peasy
HEY I LUVVVV MEH SUM ZEBRAS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUVV ITT I DREWWWW ITT TOO ITT WAS SOOOOOOO FUN AND EAAASYYYYYYYYYYYY GABBBYYYYYYYTY.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\