Today we will show you how to draw Superman. Learn how to draw Superman, an American hero with the following simple step to step tutorial.
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How to Draw Superman with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Lightly sketch an oval and then draw the chin shape below it, then draw guidelines around the face to help place the facial features later.
Step 2
Draw the brows, sideways number ‘3’ shape for the nose, a curve for his lower lip and a number ‘3’ like shape for his upper lip.
Step 3
For his left ear, draw a letter ‘C’ shape and a backwards letter ‘S’ shape. For each eyes, draw a check mark like shape and an oval and then draw his brows. Draw a backwards ‘S’ shape to form his cheek bone.
Step 4
Draw his hairline by using a check mark shape, a question mark shape and a ‘S’ shaped curl. Then add minor details to his face.
Step 5
Now draw some basic shapes for his chest and arms.
It was really hard,but I managed. I like how you put all those details in though.Really brought out his facial fixtures.?
Awesome thanks my picture vame out perfectly fine LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT
I can dr aw anything a nod you guys and I am 9 years old I am a artist
I got this I can draw anything and you guys
I am a child and i finished it extremely easily
Whoa this is hard! I messed up on the positioning but I managed to fix it by basing it off the pictures. Now, how do I draw him getting sliced up by Ichigo? Jk xD (Bleach Fan :P)
too many lines its hard to understand when you have zig zags EVERYWERE
sweat now how do i draw him doing the fusion dance (dbz(dragon ball z))
This advice is actually pretty spectacular. I studied art, and am a pretty good painter, but I’ve always sucked at drawing figures from my head. I’ve tried my entire life to really get my figures to look realistic. The advice here on how to draw superman was ridiculously effective for some reason. My first try was one of the best figures from my head I’ve ever done. By about the 3rd or 4rth try I drew something that really f***ng looked like Superman. I was non-stop figure drawing for two whole days when I combined the advice here with other advice on how to draw women. Figures in all kinds of poses. The advice on how to handle feet and shoulders with these simple guide lines is bloody perfect (I’ve been unsuccessfully trying to use guide lines for years… I could always do heads and faces, but never bodies). Spot on dude.
People need to understand that what he’s telling you is where to place your guide lines. You need to add a little more detail (read about line weight and how to draw muscles) and shading (read about different styles of shading) to really make it look perfect.
You didn’t finish the waist.
very vry hard