Today we will show you how to draw the Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, Learn how to draw the Rainbow Dash with the following simple step to step tutorial.
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How to Draw Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw two different shaped ovals and connect them with a curved line.
Step 2
Draw the guidelines around the face to help with the placement of the facial features. Draw an oval with an upside down letter ‘V’ shape at the top for the pointy ear and lightly draw a letter ‘S’ shape for the tail. Then draw stick figure legs.
Step 3
Draw thicker outline around the oval ear with a curved line inside. Draw an oval and a number ‘5’ shape.
Step 4
Draw two more ovals and then draw two sideways letter ‘M’ shapes.
Step 5
Draw curved lines for the hair and draw lashes, ovals, and lines.
Step 6
Draw a sideways ‘M’ shape and draw number ‘3’ shapes for the wings.
Step 7
Draw a letter ‘V’ shape and number ‘3’ shaped wings. Then draw letter ‘M’ shapes around the stick figure tail.
Step 8
Now lightly draw two number ‘8’ shapes and three sideways letter ‘Z’ shapes. Then draw a bunch of curved lines for the hairs in the tail.
Step 9
Draw lines around the stick figure legs for the mass and form.
Step 10
Draw letter ‘S’ shapes and again draw lines around the stick figure legs.
Finished Drawing
I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony and that you had a lot of fun
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Technorati Tags: how to draw Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, Rainbow dash from my little pony, how to draw rainbow dash, my little pony friendship is magic, how to draw a Pony, My Little Pony, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow, Rainbow Pony, Dash, Pony, Ponies, Pegasus, Ponyville
My son loves My Little Pony. Your tutorials have helped me be successful drawing them for him. He is so impressed! I’m impressed too! Thank you so much! I’m really enjoying drawing them with your steps.
I’m so glad, Mary! Thank you!
After you do Rainbowdash, I recommend do another pony a bit harder than this. I recommend not to do Princess Celestia cause I tried her after doing Rainbowdash and Celestia turned out terrible! She was too chubby, her wings were too tiny, her hair was a globed mess, her accessories were like scribble designes, and her cutie mark turned out to be a big, wavy ball of NOTHINGNESS!!! She looked absolutely HIDIOUSE!!! So that is why I recommend not to try Princess Celestia after Rainbowdash.
There are going to be way more tutorials then just this one. Also bryan may Hands up.
this is like so hard but my helped me a bit cuz he is like.. a pro…
Wow is so cool. i can draw rainbow so easy . Thanks ^_^ . me brony
i am only 9 but i made rainbow dash but it does not look like her .it is kinda hard
it is so easy i can do it without the steps
I love this but since I’m only 10 it was kinda hard. Maybe you should make easy steps for like kids only
Do princess Luna plsssss
that was so awsome
Love the steps easy challenging and fun love it thank you I’m only
12 years old and my drawings look amazing thanks again >.<
Thats great!! I’m so glad that it helped you!
when i made it on a piece of paper and i was like *i hope this will be great!* well when i was done it turned out to be so awesome! Thanks!
Could you do a vinyl scratch tutorial PLLZ they dont haf one!
I’ll try to get one in the next week or so.
please make a rarity tutorial!!! i’ve been waiting for one
Hi Zoe – Sorry to take so long. I saw your comment last night and it pulled at my heart string so I stayed up late doing the Rarity tutorial for you. You can find it here
i was looking
Can u add drawing the ponies as teenager humans? That would really help me
Thanks for this! My first drawing since high school (And even then I could not draw to save my life) 5-6 years ago and it turned out fantastic!
first time i drew this yay it looks perfect
Now that I memorized the steps I’m sure I got about 20% cooler.
I can’t do the hair right. ; ;
Mine is so bad. ; ;
You have it yet
This tutorial is AWESOME! it really helped me with my drawing
it’s so simple to follow and always gets great results
U find her
OK…I looked her up and found her…I’ll get a tutorial for it.
Vinyl scratch is a pony
Do u have one for vinyl scratch aka dj pon-3 ??
Sorry – I don’t know what that is. Did you possibly make a typo?
a bit hard tutorial, ( dont use tutorials much and i can absolutely NOT draw anything good :3) but a good tut i guess, keep up the good work, folks and other.
(except me)
admin we need rarity and pinky pie becas i already drew twilight apple jack and rainbow dash. but otherwise they look awesome!
Ok…I’ll try to get them soon.
Is there one for vinylscratch also known as DJ Pon-3
Lol i failed.. erasing the lines was hard butgreat hob anyways!
Thank you very much for making this and the other mlp tutorials! I wasn’t the best artist before but this help boost some confidence.
Thank you for writing…I’m so glad that it boosted your confidence. Just try to see the basic shapes within and you will see that it isn’t so hard.
Omg your drawing tuts are so EASY!!!!! I <3 u!!
I’m glad that it worked out for you. Maybe you are just a natural artist!
Thanks so much, deffin. my fav. drawing so far!
HI, I was wondering, if you’re awesome tutorial works also for, like paper… because im not sure how to draw on the computer… THANKS!
Yes….When I make the tutorials…I am doing the tutorial for people drawing on paper or computer. Most people use the tutorials for paper.
LOL I failed at drawing this XD
I’m probably going to use this method of drawing for a series of animations I will be publishing on youtube. Thanks!
thank you very much. after using this, i was able to then free hand rainbow dash. thank you again. and would you possibly have one for fluttershy?
I’m glad that it helped you…here is the Fluttershy drawing lesson … and here are the rest of the My Little Pony Drawing Tutorials
I’m glad I did my little pony right cute I am like a artist and I am! yeah I am a artist of the museum of fine arts! yes It’s true I’am not stupid!
First awesome drawing i ever made. At the age of 20. great tutorial, would be awesome with some tutorial on how to do different poses. Love the tips of drawing 3 shaped wings, m shaped hair and so on, makes it alot easier.
My first real drawing after 15 years of life
Very nice, thanks a lot for creating this!
Glad that it helped you…I hope you continue to draw.
Hi, I want to use the profiles of the 6 mane characters for a set of mugs I’m going to get printed
Is it alright if I use these images of yours? and could I please request some larger resolutions. They are very well made and hope to admire your work while drinking my daily coffee
Of course, go on ahead.
OMG you are my fav tut maker. At first I kinda sucked at drawing, but I tried your jasmine tutorial, and it was GREAT! I also luv how you respond to all your comments! keep making tutorials, you do a great job!
Awww…You are so sweet McKenzie. You made my day. <3