Today we will show you how to draw Johnny Test from Johnny Test. Learn how to draw this character with the following simple step to step tutorial.
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How to Draw Johnny Test from Johnny Test with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw an oval and a triangle with a rounded bottom that looks like a cone shape.
Step 2
Draw guidelines inside the oval to help place the facial features and then draw a number ‘5’ shape. Draw a stick figure arms, then draw a rectangle with rounded corners for the left hand and an oval for the right hand.
Step 3
Draw a letter ‘J’ shape on the left of his face and a upside down question mark for his nose. For his left hand, draw lines and a letter ‘L’ shape for his fingers and draw an odd shaped oval for his thumb. For his right hand, draw a letter ‘R’ shape and a letter ‘D’ shape. Also draw a curved line for his shirt collar.
Step 4
Draw some lines for his hair and two circles for each eye, make right eye larger. Draw a letter ‘J’ shape for his smile and arm.
Step 5
Draw zig-zag letter ‘M’ shapes around the oval (head) and draw a few triangle-like shapes for the sleeves.
Step 6
Draw triangle shaped collars and a curved line under the right eye, erasing the bottom of the circle. Then draw a circle with a small circle in the center and two squares overlapping in his right hand.
Step 7
Draw six lines inside the center circle and also draw lines connecting the squares together (this is how you make a 3D square). Remember that cone we drew in step 1? Well now use it to help you draw a letter ‘A’ shape for the pants.
Step 8
Draw three curved lines to connect the lines in the center circle and add some details to the camera in his right hand. Draw an upside down letter ‘L’ shape for part of his pants and draw a sideways letter ‘S’ shape for the bottom of his pants.
Step 9
Draw a letter ‘A’ shape to separate his legs and erase the center of the ‘A’. Draw an oval for his left foot and a backwards number ‘3’ shape for his right foot. Draw a letter ‘L’ shape, a letter ‘V’ shape and a few more basic shapes in the camera.
Step 10
Draw the soles of the shoes, the soles sort of take on the shape of the other part of the shoe. Draw a backwards letter ‘E’ shape on the left shoe and a backwards letter ‘F’ shape on the right shoe.
Finished Drawing
I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Johnny Test from Johnny Test and that you had a lot of fun
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Technorati Tags: how to draw Johnny Test, how to draw Johnny, drawing johnny test, Johnny Test, Johnny, Test, Adventures, boy, how to draw a boy, suburban boy, super genius sisters, drawing characters, super genius twin