Step 7
Draw rectangles as seen in the above illustration.
Step 8
Draw rectangles with curved corners for fingers and limbs. Draw two ovals for the pants left bottom and draw the letter ‘S’ shape for the pants right bottom. Draw a sideways curved ‘L’ for the curving of the shoe.
Step 9
Use basic shapes that you drew in the previous steps to outline the hands. Draw some ovals for sleeves and the ripped pants legs. Draw ‘V’ shape for the waste and for the collar is a ‘Z’ or ‘2’ shape and backwards ‘Z’ or ‘2’ shape.
Step 10
Draw the lines as seen in the illustration above in red.
too easy in fact pips
really easy
I cant do it too hARD MAKE IT EASIER
this was a pecice of cake i did it in 10 mim not 1 mastake and im only 12
Awesome tutorial, thanks
A kid at my school draws better ones than these his are dead on them.But this could be a start
LOL i cant draw it
go to it rocks