Today we will show you how to draw a white angry bird….I think he is supposed to be a chicken. Learn how to draw this character with the following simple step to step tutorial.
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How to Draw White Angry Bird with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw an egg shape then draw guidelines within the shape to help place facial features.
Step 2
Draw an oval for each eye.
Step 3
Add a circle to each eye for the pupil. Erase a round portion from the bottoms of both eyes.
Step 4
Draw a rectangle for the left eyebrow that is a bit rounded. For the right eyebrow, a sideways Letter J. Draw a rounded triangle for the top of the beak.
Step 5
Draw a third of a circle for the bottom beak shape. And draw the gray oval belly pattern.
Step 6
Draw two ovals for the cheeks.
Step 7
Draw ovals to be used for drawing feathers guide.
Step 8
Draw rectangle feathers inside the ovals and then erase the ovals.
Finished Drawing
I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw an White Angry Bird and that you had a lot of fun
You Might Like Our Other Angry Birds Game Characters Tutorials
Make Your Own Angry Birds Magnets (free) – I made this up for my other blog – it is free to print out … just thought I would let you know in case you wanted it to mess around with.
Technorati Tags: angry birds, white angry bird, how to draw angry birds, how to draw white angry bird, angry bird characters, cartoon birds, cartoon chicken, cartoon angry birds, bird, birds, white bird, white birds, cartooning a chicken, chickens, drawing characters, video games, ipod games, ipod apps
Awesome drawing, but he is a she. Lol
so awesome