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Today we will show you how to draw Princess Rosalina from Wii Mario Kart (Rosetta in Japan). Rosalina is a character from Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii….and several other Mario games. She protects the Luma creatures and hangs out in the Observatory or hub where she needs Mario to help her.
Here are Even More Mario Kart Characters and Super Mario Bros Characters
How to Draw Rosalina from Wii Mario Kart Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Start with an egg shape and a diagonal line slanting down. Draw guidelines within the head (the cross-hairs) to help you place her facial features.
Step 2
Next is an oval just below the egg shape but pinch it at the bottom. Draw the arms next by drawing ovals.
Step 3
Add a long flowing triangle shape at the bottom and 2 small triangles just below that.
Step 4
Draw Rosalina’s hair next. Her hair covers half of her face and large tufts of it curve up. Also draw her crown which can be drawn by drawing by drawing 2 outward lines that form a letter ‘M’ with an extra hump. Draw ovals.
Draw her face next.
How to Draw Rosalina’s Face : Step 1
Draw draw her face we will break it up into simpler shapes to guide you thru it in an easier way. Use the cross-hair guidelines to help you place the facial features. The nose is a number ‘2’ shape. Her lips are 2 inward ovals. Her eye is made up of a tilted, slightly flattened, letter ‘J’ (highlighted in red to help you find it). The top of the eye can be made with a letter ‘U’ (highlighted in blue).
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how are u ment to get it like the pic
I didn’t know her name was Rosetta in Japan. Cool!
Yeh – if you go to you will find out that there are a LOT of names that are different in Japan. There are also a lot of cool things that they tell you about each character. Ask your parents before you go to that site though…I don’t want to get in trouble from your parents.