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Today we will show you how to draw Mordecai from Cartoon Network’s Regular Show. Learn how to draw this character with the following simple step to step tutorial.
You Might Also Want to Learn How to Draw Other Characters from The Regular Show
How to Draw Mordecai from Regular Show with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw a circle for his head and a long tube oval shape for his body.
Step 2
Draw the guidelines around the circle to help place the facial features. Draw two circles that looks like a side ways ‘8’ shape for the eyes.
Step 3
Draw two small circles in the eyes for the pupils. Also draw a curvy, sideways bubble letter ‘L’ shape for the beak.
Step 4
Draw a big letter ‘M’ shape on the top of the head and a backward ‘2’ shape as shown above.
Step 5
Draw a curved line for each eye brow and for the head pattern, draw a line.
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Onto Rigby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was easy. Mine came out perfect. If you guys need help then just do each part by itself then you can do it all together. I didn’t do it that way but thats how I recommend it for people who are bad drawers. Also, my friend was doing it and it was the best one I saw.
your pitches did not draw the legs or taill
You have to click on to the next page of the tutorial (there is a link / drop down menu at the bottom of the page)
My drawing looks the same! No lie!!!!
were is the rest of the body
You need to click on ‘next page’ to get to the next part of the tutorial.
mine is awesome , it easy ( no offence , i’m not arrogant ) i’m just being honest , all the other’s how draw this and come’s out ugly just keep trying and love ur drawing wat ever it come’s out , ugly ,awesome ,normal wat ever just love it , … pratice make’s perfect ^_^
u missed some parts and mine came out ugly in the computer
Mine came out like do do, but i tried it again and my friends thought i traced it wich i didnt!!! Thanks dude that did this website on how to draw junk!!!
the first step looks like noodle
What happened to his body!? I mean what the H Benson.
ugh mines came out sucky!
wish they would make it easier
Loved it
Mine came out amazing. but i can never get the wings wright but the rigby came out perfect
OHH, Found it.. Great picture of him…<3
What happened to the legs??? D:
Please click on to the next page – you can find the link below the last step you did.
this wasn’t easy pfft and they say “EASY” step by step drawing
but mine came out AWESOME!!!! thx now im on rigby
but axel dont say its ugly im sure its not 
mine came out UGLY