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Step 6
Draw an oval on top of the heart shape as shown above.
Step 7
Draw 2 eyes by drawing 2 large ovals. Each oval has 2 smaller ovals inside of it.
Step 8
Draw a white highlight circle in each eye. To draw the nose, draw an upside down triangle … on the top it should be rounded. Fill this nose in black. Connect the nose to the eyes with inward slanted lines…as I did above.
Step 9
Draw a sideways number ‘3’ under the nose…make small dots under the nose for whisker pores. Under the cat’s chin…draw zig zaggy lines for fur.
Step 10
For the cheetah’s ears draw…2 upside down bubble-letter ‘V’ shapes.Also under the chin..change the rounded shape of the number ‘8’ from step #1 to be more of an upside down capital letter ‘A’ shape.
Step 11
Draw upside down letter ‘J’ shapes inside the paws. Draw a sideways bubble letter ‘J’ for the cheetah’s tail that is peaking out.
Step 12
Draw dots all over the cat except for on his paws…his belly, bottom face, nose, and the bit of fur under his chin.
Step 13
Now colorize your cheetah, if you want to. I hope that your wild cat turned out fantastic and that you had a great time too….that is the most important part of drawing – having FUN!
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Technorati Tags: cheetah, cheetahs, cartoon cheetahs, wild cats, cartoon cats, how to draw a cheetah, drawing for kids, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, cartooning, drawing cartoons
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