Step 10
Draw her teeth, the ear (a c with a backwards number ‘6’ in it)…a circle for an earring. Draw a backwards number ‘7’ for the side of the face.
Step 11
draw lips. Draw her hair …on the left is a backwards number ‘2’ shape….on the top is a sideways number ‘2’ shape.
Step 12
Draw Timmy’s arm…2 lines for the arm…his hand is made up of 2 number ‘3’s. Draw the father’s eyes…2 letter ‘u’s. Draw the nose, an upside down number ‘7’. Draw a sideways letter ‘L’ right near the nose.
Step 13
Draw the father’s mouth and eye brows.
Step 14
Draw the father’s ear…a backwards letter ‘c’ with a number ‘6’ in it. Draw the bottom of the mouth.
wooooowww !!!!!!!!
marry me. i love you. awesome tutorial 🙂
(p.s dont do it in yellow. its a bit of a blur.)
It’s just AMAZIING!! I love this site
There is just one thing ! Every time I search for something I can’t found it.
Ahhhhh…..Thanks. 🙂